xpr 7550e

  1. T

    XPR Two-Tone Pager function on XPR7550e via Quik Call II

    Hi all, I'm trying to replicate the settings from my minitor 6 to my XPR7550e for two-tone selective call. However, I'm finding that no matter what I do, I cannot get a quick call to trigger. I want it to alert only if the tones 909.8 & 991.9 are heard (third tone set on audio). Any thoughts...
  2. L3KDE

    XPR7550e Welcome Bitmap Requirements?

    Anyone know the requirements for an XPR7550e's welcome bitmap? I cant figure out the resolution / color mode.
  3. D

    Reordering Zones on Mototrbo CPS 2.0

    Hello everyone, I am attempting to reorder the zones in my codeplug so that they show up a specific way on my XPR7550e. Regardless of what order I put the zones in on CPS, they keep coming up randomly on the radio. Any advice?
  4. F

    MOTOTRBO XPR7550e Codeplug Password

    I bought an XPR7550e on eBay not that long ago, and what would you know its password protected. I've already asked the seller for the password and they didn't know what it was. I've attempted to run recovery and CPS just prompts me for the password when I try to do so. Anyone got any tips? Thanks!
  5. Z

    XPR VHF Motorola XPR7550e codeplug

    Trying to find a VHF codeplug for the 7550e. I can only find VHF ones. Does anyone have one? Model Number: AAH56JDN9WA1AN
  6. R

    TMS on XPR 7550e

    I know XPR has its own messaging setup. Is there any way to communicate with TMS to an APX/Astro system and vice versa? I've been trying a bunch of different settings and haven't gotten yet. Just conventional channels, nothing trunking. I can send pages, my radio ID, but haven't gotten messages...
  7. A

    XPR RSSI Indicator on XPR 7550e

    Hello. I've been noticing on my xpr 7550e, the rssi bars does not move, ever, even with a weak signal. I've checked on the xpr 3500e and that rssi bars work fine. Anyone know why or what could be causing the xpr 7550e rssi bars to always show full reception when not the case?
  8. S

    Moto IMPRES XPR Batteries blinking red and won't charge

    Hey all, just walked into a job and inherited about 15 XPR 7550e radios that won't charge. They've been boxed up for a few years, and about ten of them refuse to charge. They flash red on the charger when inserted, and no amount of cleaning or wiggling will make them take a charge. Really don't...
  9. R

    Radio Patch with an XPR 7550e

    Hello All! I currently use my personal XPR 7550e at my job. We recently transitioned from Analog Conventional to Digital Conventional. We have a phone patch number that allows our clients to contact our staff via their cell phones. On our old analog system, I would hold the PTT and press "*" to...
  10. DiGiTaLD

    APX APX 900 "COTS" Bluetooth Options

    There are numerous existing threads on similar topics, but they are all old and closed, so I had to start a new one. I'm seeking commercial off the shelf (COTS) Bluetooth options (receive only) for an APX 900 and don't want to have to keep buying Bluetooth hardware until I find something that...
  11. G

    xpr 7550e problems

    hey there everyone i am having a problem with our departments new XPR 7550e. the problem we are having is that the radio will just stop receiving on any channel and will only start receiving if you turn the radio off then back on or change the channel then back. i removed the tone alert from the...