
  1. wa8pyr

    Ohio MARCS Yahoo Group

    All, I've just found out this morning that Yahoo Groups is downgrading their service for all groups. Yahoo has unfortunately announced the decision that, effective October 28, we will no longer be able to upload content to the Ohio MARCS Yahoo Group (including programming files, photos and so...
  2. M

    Understand what's changing in Yahoo Groups - Beginning Oct 21,2019 - Info Permanently Removed December 14,2019

    If anyone needs any scanner files(PDF,Firmware,Files,Photos, Old helpful scanner emails, etc) from any yahoogroups. Go save them soon. Yahoo Groups will no longer allow users to upload content - Understand what's changing in Yahoo Groups, when the changes happen, and how to keep your important...
  3. S

    Why NextGen?

    I need to ask, what are the advantages of switching to a NextGen system? I'm sure isn't not a cheap transition. Is the audio quality better? More frequencies available? More options to upgrade in the future? I've successful made the switch but was just wondering why the extra trouble for a major...