If they are going with ATSC 3.0 and locking out a bunch of stuff.
In the thread we've discussed NTSC (analog) and ATSC 1.0 (what's mostly in use now) with regard to receiving signals from afar (DXing). I've personally invested quite a bit over the years, although not as much as those who pay through the nose for cable/DBS. My present system is a custom "cable system" of sorts with multiple antennas, tuners, etc. I do this so that I pay ZERO for programming.
On one hand I tend to watch more TV than I should, but I don't watch "appointment TV", I don't watch commercials, I don't watch "scripted TV", my playback is time compressed (it takes 12 minutes to watch an episode of Jeopardy!). I refuse to pay someone to receive a signal so that I can watch their commercials, sorry ESPN.
I'm watching closely, and it's still early to predict an exact final, but the trend for ATSC 3.0 will strictly limit what's recorded, when & where you can play it back and also provide OTA bandwidth for non-TV services. If I am unable to do, at the least, what I do now with regard to watching OTA TV, I'll be 100% done with it. There's NO WAY I'll sit for 3.5+ hours to watch a 1 hour football game. Unfortunately, it seems that the TV broadcasting companies (which are no longer like the companies of my father's time) seem to be hell bent on putting themselves out of business in chase of every $1 they can get from us.
You'd think companies would have learned what happened to the (CD) music industry. You'd think they could see the forest from how people acted during the pandemic (instead they initially moved content to streaming to jack up the prices then customers fled) and there's only so much $$$ out there for this type of "entertainment". I see the present plan as a new frontier to attempt to maximize profit until folks catch on. I guess we'll see.