30 years ago, I had a 3-element 10-meter yagi strapped to the chimney on a tv rotator, connected to a TS850 running 100 watts SSB.
One Sunday, I started working to the west. When I began, the "spot" was on Chicago. As the afternoon wore on, the spot moved west, requiring small adjustments in the antenna heading. By late afternoon, I was chatting with some stations in the San Francisco area.
I was tired, hungry, needed the bathroom . . . so I announced I was going to clear.
Then I hear: "KB2GOM, for a short before you clear."
I replied: "Short, go."
"This is ZL1UFO, Christchurch, New Zealand; you're the loudest thing on the band."
We swapped cards. Wanna guess what was on his?
A flying saucer.
9,000 miles (I think) on 100 watts.
True story.