I don't know if everyone knows or not but 154.310 pl 156.7 Baltimore City Old Channel 1 is in use still by Baltimore City FD for use in the Metro Tunnels as well as other train tunnels in the city as it has better coverage then the 800mhz system I found this out the other night when I was at a City Fire Dept hanging out with a friend and they have portables in thier closet to grab in case they need them. I don't think the Communications Center still monitors it, but they will have portables for a few firefighters in the tunnel and 1 for command outside and that in turn will probably be relayed to Communications by the Commander. Also we have found out that there is also no patch with the 800mhz system.
Just a thought maybe keep it programmed in your scanners and to keep an ear on it in case they use it for other things.
Just a thought maybe keep it programmed in your scanners and to keep an ear on it in case they use it for other things.