Active Member
Repeater inputs at different sites using different NACs for the same repeater output maybe?
not a guess....lol! it,s 68F with 4F9....73,sMarcy
(not familiar w/ that term sri)
Repeater inputs at different sites using different NACs for the same repeater output maybe?
Just now I got 68F agn communicating with 4F9 asking for info
....so it,s not dx or a Wag as u call it...73,s Marcy
must have missed it...sriI was doing the WAG with my comments earlier
I count 8 hits on 166.3 with 4F9 vs only 5 with 68F in your log.But on 166.3 I am seeing all 68f nacs.
Puzzled - going back and re-reading
Were you hearing both NACS on the input ?? or was your comment
$68F on the input, but $4F9 on the Repeater output ??
I may have initially misread your comment as hearing both NACS on the input