2 Grand lighter!!!

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Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
Well, I went to Spokane this past weekend and before leaving, I took 2 of my kids shopping at Northtown Mall. We parked in the parking garage on the top floor, which is wide open, in front of god and everybody, about 25 yds. from the JCPenney store. Upon returning to my car about 45 mins later, some F------ puchs had broken into the car (they had to have slimjim'd it....no broken windows) and proceeded to clean out every conceivable electronic item in there which included my BC-T15 and Pro 97 scanners. Both were out of sight under the front passenger seat and had been placed there well before we arrived at the mall. So it wasn't a case of someone watching me hide them. And the bigger thing that I thought I had was the S/N's to both, but I don't! I certainly will make sure with the next scanners I get!!!

A couple of things about the the BC-T15 is, when you power it up, the second message is "Property of Chuck ----, If found, call 509-4-- ----". Needless to say, they can't get rid of that without getting into the Uniden software and changing it. But that software is on the laptop...which was also stolen! I'm banking on the idea that these puchs are dumber than rocks and wouldn't be able to figure out how to make that message go away! And both scanners have the KC/Sea TRS in them. How many people would you figure have that programmed in their scanners overthere?! So, if by chance, someone comes across either one of those scanners for sale some place overthere, and you get a chance to check them out, keep an eye out for these descriptors and if you see one of them, let me know.

They didn't take the power cord for the Uniden and I don't believe they took an antenna for the Pro 97, but I'm not positive.

Hope all of you out there have a better day than I did yesterday! :)


DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
That bites big time On Friday I had my pro-97,96,PSR-500 and my laptop in my car so that I could run unitrunker while I was down in Everett plus my kid had his Ipod and DS in the car we ran into the store for about 5 mins I told him to lock the door, we got back to the car I unlocked my door and he just jumped into the car, he did not lock his door think god everything was still in the car.


Feb 17, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Well, I went to Spokane this past weekend and before leaving, I took 2 of my kids shopping at Northtown Mall. We parked in the parking garage on the top floor, which is wide open, in front of god and everybody, about 25 yds. from the JCPenney store. Upon returning to my car about 45 mins later, some F------ puchs had broken into the car (they had to have slimjim'd it....no broken windows) and proceeded to clean out every conceivable electronic item in there which included my BC-T15 and Pro 97 scanners. Both were out of sight under the front passenger seat and had been placed there well before we arrived at the mall. So it wasn't a case of someone watching me hide them. And the bigger thing that I thought I had was the S/N's to both, but I don't! I certainly will make sure with the next scanners I get!!!

A couple of things about the the BC-T15 is, when you power it up, the second message is "Property of Chuck ----, If found, call 509-4-- ----". Needless to say, they can't get rid of that without getting into the Uniden software and changing it. But that software is on the laptop...which was also stolen! I'm banking on the idea that these puchs are dumber than rocks and wouldn't be able to figure out how to make that message go away! And both scanners have the KC/Sea TRS in them. How many people would you figure have that programmed in their scanners overthere?! So, if by chance, someone comes across either one of those scanners for sale some place overthere, and you get a chance to check them out, keep an eye out for these descriptors and if you see one of them, let me know.

They didn't take the power cord for the Uniden and I don't believe they took an antenna for the Pro 97, but I'm not positive.

Hope all of you out there have a better day than I did yesterday! :)
I'd put this in a more public area of the forum so that everyone that visit's this site will know what to look out for.


Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
And now for the big bite! It is all a total loss! The "Comprehensive" part of my car insurance does not cover this type of thing. You have to have the coverage thru your 'home owners' policy...which I don't have as I rent! So it will be quite awhile before I'll be getting anymore radios! Oh well!...:( You all take care now!


Dec 17, 2005
Grand Lake St. Marys Ohio
Hopefully your property will be recovered. Insurance blows no matter how you look at it, Renters insurance is cheap, and well worth it if you have something like this or a fire. Good Luck


Apr 22, 2001
Sorry to hear about your loss. I am a bit surprised at the number of incidents I hear of via word of mouth about Northtown. If half of them are legit then Northtown is an auto burglars' wonderland.And I thought auto burglary when out of vogue in 1995.

Continued proof Spocompton is 20 years behind (not always bad).

Via personal experience, if your stuff is permanently installed in the vehicle ( significantly attached) the installed items become PART of the vehicle when they are installed. Thereafter, they fall under the comp coverage under a theory of attachment up to the limits of your policy. I learned the hard way and have installed my junk permanently ever since....my experience, your mileage may vary.

Just wondering what was Spokane PD's response? Did they come out and throw some powder around or some no-service phone report type deal? If it was the phone report then that is why NT is getting hit so much. On that subject, how did you determine that a slimjim tool was used? I can only recall once when I was able to surmise that such a tool was used with certainty.

I will keep my eyes open for your stuff during the upcoming garage sale season.....

Sorry again about your loss of property and inconvenience, Mike


Premium Subscriber
May 16, 2007
Oak Harbor, Wa
dude I know your pain, I was in lewis and Clark washington and the SAME things. I was super pissed as they have NO idea what they took ... they got my 250D with a apco card i was flamed (they got a bunch of other stuff as well)

few things from my experience. Check all pawn shops for your stuff.
Make sure you get a police case number
Call all pawn shops every week and just say "Hi Im looking for a blah blah do you have any" (then pounce)

Pawn shop owners in these towns are mostly all ****ty from my experience but you might get lucky. Also remember to call the PD up like 6 months later to check the evidence room for your gear. Also watch propertyroom.com for you stuff.

nwham.com I think is the site that has a stolen gear serial number search.

The good thing is that you DID have your name on the device at boot so you can hope to get lucky.. after my theft I changed my boot up to

"Kelly Keeton - K7MHI"
"Reward on RETURN"

that way it gives a incentive for some jackass to return it
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Jun 18, 2003
Puget Sound WA.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck. Did you happen to register and update the firmware of the BCT15 on the Uniden website? If so you could get the serial number of the radio from there, or at least the ESN (never checked to see if they were the same).



Oct 25, 2008
Bonney Lake, WA (Pierce County)
I would definantly keep an eye on craigslist and ebay. Also if you have any relatives or friends there in Spokane, I would have them stop by in local pawn shops just to take a look. Othere then that, I'm sorry for your loss.


Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
I have my youngest sister who lives there, checking the local pawn shops. They weren't completely cooperative for her as it wasn't her stuff but she explained to them what was going on and they did take her information and said they would call if they came across anything.

She had a similar situation happen to her husband awhile back. His $900 "Husqavarna (sp?) chainsaw was stolen. It was inside the ex-cab, covered up, of his company truck. When they discovered it was missing, and they weren't sure how long it had been missing as the truck was parked for about a week on the bosses property, they reported it stolen... and then she picked up the phone. The very first pawn shop she called told her; "Oh, we just had one of those come in this morning"! She called her husband, he went to the shop and met a P.O. there and sure enough, it was his! Cost him $100 to bail it out of pawn shop jail...but was worth it in the end!

As for registering it, I hadn't done any updates to the firmware! :( ...so 'No', it' not! I started to a few weeks ago but it was going to take longer, due to researching the information I needed to input, than I had time. So I put it off! Somewhere around here, I have the paperwork with the S/N on it....I just have to remember where I put it and search thru each individual piece of paper I can find to get it! In some other way...I'm just glad this wasn't a 996!

And Mike....I really wanted to hard mount that thing but I just have a problem taking a perfectly good scanner with a good display, hiding it under a seat only to get another display to plug into the first display so it can be remote...unlike all the amateur gear out there whose face just comes off! But, next time...when I get around to replacing it...they will have to tear the seat out to get it!!!

Thanks all for the support!!! :)


Jan 9, 2007
You might consider placing a WTB ad on craigslist for one of your scanners. The lowlifes may do a search of CL to look for the going rate before they try to sell it, and may try to sell it to you if they see the ad.


Mar 6, 2009
i am very sorry to hear that there are a lot of idiots out there thats for sure i live in the west planes area and i am always very concerned with tht happening to me if i was you i would check Double Eagle pawn shop call them and see if they may have them if it was young kids they most likely pawned them off for some quick cash Good luck


John McClane
Nov 20, 2003
Nakatomi Plaza
Shoot me a PM if you want an alarm installed with motion sensor, they're pretty inexpensive these days. It'll also warn away (beep shortly) to alert if someone gets too close before going off full stage, will also page you up to a mile away (900 Mhz ISM) when activated.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
One night I was hanging out with on of my security buddy while he was on shift at NTM and we were making the rounds in the golf cart checking the emergency call boxes as required and got a call on the radio from the control/surveillance office that there was a male throwing something at the window of my buddies car which was parked in the parkade so we raced over (about half way around the mall from where we were at the time) and as we came up to the entrance a black ricer import car pulled out of the parkade and headed towards us so my buddy attempted to put the golf car in front of the vehicle to persuade the driver to stop. The driver just drove around us. We were able to get a license plate which I think turned out to be a stolen vehicle. He called 911 to report the incident and Spokane PD said since it was now a cold incident that they would not send an officer here. We went up and surveyed the damage and the front passengers window was busted out and there was a broken beer bottle laying on the passengers side of the car. The glove box was broken open and some papers were missing.

The NTM neighborhood is a bad area due to the criminal gang murder one.
They think they own that neighborhood.
The radio equipment may never show up in any pawn shop because the criminals
know that if they get caught pawning stolen goods its court time again.
More than likely it will be passed around for drugs or other uncouth things.
You can get pretty much anything for around 20 dollars or a sack of dope.

Hopefully you will get lucky an get your property back unharmed soon.
Anyone with a laptop depending on your situation it may be a good Idea
to invest in laptop lojack (google it) several laptops have been located and
returned to the rightful owner with that service and the bad guys got punished.



Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
Shoot me a PM if you want an alarm installed with motion sensor, they're pretty inexpensive these days. It'll also warn away (beep shortly) to alert if someone gets too close before going off full stage, will also page you up to a mile away (900 Mhz ISM) when activated.

If I decide to keep the car, I will!

kd7kdc said:
The radio equipment may never show up in any pawn shop because the criminals
know that if they get caught pawning stolen goods its court time again.

You'd be surprised how stupid they can be! As in my original post, my brother-in-law got his Husky chain-saw back the same day he discovered it stolen because my sister started calling the pawn shops and found it at the first one she called. I talked to one of the Mall Security after this happend too and he was going to check the video from the two "panning" cameras that were in proximity and call me....but he never did call! Go figure!

sydneesdad said:
i would check Double Eagle pawn shop call them and see if they may have them if it was young kids they most likely pawned them off for some quick cash Good luck

I did go back over the following weekend and checked all the Pawn 1's ,except the Valley store, and Double Eagle. The guy, whom I'm guessing was the manager, was a shmuck! He was anything but helpful and pretty much told me..."your stuff is at a drug house so you probably won't ever see it...sorry!" I gave him some descriptions of the stuff and he had a laptop that had come in about 4 days later but wouldn't show it to me cuz he said it was all messed up and, since it didn't come in the same day it was stolen, it couldn't be mine! When I said it was stolen on a Sunday and they may have waited, he told me, "Everyone knows we're open on Sundays"! What, the criminals know! That place is real shady!!!

commstar said:
Continued proof Spocompton is 20 years behind (not always bad).

Via personal experience, if your stuff is permanently installed in the vehicle ( significantly attached) the installed items become PART of the vehicle when they are installed. Thereafter, they fall under the comp coverage under a theory of attachment up to the limits of your policy. I learned the hard way and have installed my junk permanently ever since....my experience, your mileage may vary.

Oh trust me, it is still alive and well pretty much everywhere...including here in the Seattle area. And they really like the Southcenter Mall! The hottest items are, of course, laptops, GPS's and Ipods! If you leave them in sight or even give them a reason to believe there might be one of those, they will bust the window out to take a look see! At least they slim jim'd mine and I didn't have to drive back here without a window!
If/when I decide to put new radios in, the mount will be bolted to the floor and the radio bolted to the mount. No thumb screw types holding it to the mount. They better, at least, have a Crescent wrench or really strong fingers!

I appreciate all the support guys and if you happen to come across a BC-T15 for sale there in the Spokane area, turn it on if you can. The second message will say; "Property of Chuck Hill..If found, call 509-499-xxxx" If you do, let me know!

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