2 Way Radios

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Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
Anyway, the radios you linked to are .42W on low power (FRS) and they claim 5.33W on high power. Whether they actually are or not, is a different story as that is high even by commercial radio standards.

It may work. Only time I run simplex on GMRS I'm using mobiles…most of my hand held stuff is repeater use.


May 30, 2013
Is the area mostly open? If so, then CB is your best bet.

Handheld CBs these days come with rubber duck antennas, which are not very good. The center-loaded telescopic ones we had in the 80s were much, much better, though unwieldy under trees.

Go on eBay or Craigslist and find a pair of 4W, synthesized CB handheld radios with undamaged, center-loaded, telescopic antennas. You can do this for $50 easily.

The lower frequency (27 MHz) carries much further in open or semi open areas than VHF or UHF.

They're more battery hungry though: they take 8-10 AAs. Good NiMH are a must, with alkaline back up. Try low power first.

To set up a base station, get a proper car-mounted antenna and power supply for one of them. Having a better antenna on one of them will extend the range between them.

If the area is not so open or the radios have to be small, then MURS MIGHT work. But 2-3 miles is really pushing it. MURS with telescopic antennas fitted would be your best bet. Amazon has one model of MURS radio for cheap. But I don't know if it'll take BNC aftermarket antennas.

(Sent from Tapatalk)
Mar 14, 2014
In the Western US Mountains :)
The area I ideally would like to at least cover is just under a mile from my house, and it is also uphill from where I am. Would a standard GMRS radio be able to operate decently at this distance? I was looking at these, as an example: Amazon.com : Midland GXT1000VP4 36-Mile 50-Channel FRS/GMRS Two-Way Radio (Pair) (Black/Silver) : Walkie Talkies : Car Electronics

Those are some good performing (GMRS/FRS) radios !
I have definitely got 3 miles out of those radios, if I was going to by FRS radios again then those are what I would buy! You WON'T get 50 miles out of them however !
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