As I understand it, the Baofeng radios, including the 82 series, actually aren't ham radios either. They are not Part97 type certified for whatever reason. Maybe they can't pass, maybe they don't care. But AIUI, unless a radio is Part97 certified it cannot be marketed, advertised, or sold in commerce as a "ham" radio.
The flip side of the coin is that hams can transmit on anything--but without the type certification, the ham becomes solely responsible to make sure the radio meets all technical standards for emission, etc.
And of course, pretty much all the Baofeng vendors do advertise this as a ham radio. Which is just begging for Uncle Charlie to shut them down and fine them. Drop the ads, and there's no problem. Sell it as a ham radio...and they can help reduce the federal deficit.(G)
Either way it boggles the mind how they can produce anything and sell it at that price.
From what Baofeng says, there is a UV-82 and a UV-82C. The latter available only from the US distributor, and certified Part90 compliant for land mobile radio services. The two are identical except for an initial programming lockout in the 82C, which can be reset in CHIRP. (I have no idea if removing the programming restrictions invalidates the Part90 certification.)
The UV-82L is supposedly just one vendor's way to make it sound special. Baofeng says it is just an 82 with a special accessory package. They also say there were a number of typos on early battery labels, and that ALL the batteries for the 82 series are the same 1800mAh battery.
Considering you can buy a new one under $40 and a returned/repacked one for $30 on Amazon...I did say it boggles the mind, right? (G)