Here's a few pictures of my BCD436HP installed in my Ram 1500. I got an angled USB cable off Amazon that plugs into the always on USB plug in the center console. I can also move it to a switched USB in the same console if I need to. The mount is a Proclip with a Motorola mic holder screwed into it. I am using a Laird 800MHz 1/4 wave NMO drilled into the roof.
I chose this antenna mainly for height reasons. I mostly monitor the State Police 800MHz system in MA as well. I get great reception on 450MHz and so/so for VHF Hi. If I'm not listening to the SP trunk, I'm close to the departments I'm listening to so it usually works out just fine.
I chose this antenna mainly for height reasons. I mostly monitor the State Police 800MHz system in MA as well. I get great reception on 450MHz and so/so for VHF Hi. If I'm not listening to the SP trunk, I'm close to the departments I'm listening to so it usually works out just fine.