Here are all the active freqs I am hearing- fire is now pretty much outside my windows... I won't list the names of the Tacs/Intercrews, they are all listed elsewhere.
170.975- NIFC CMD-1 primary (but is being referred to as C10 or C11, I am getting a weaker repeater on 171.0875 repeating the same traffic, have not found this freq listed anywhere).
408.400- Logistics 1
166.6125 A/G-1 171.550 A/G-2
119.675, 127.775 AA
122.925 some AA but not much
TACS- 168.050, 168.200, 168.600,163.7125, 167.1375, 168.6125, 173.625, 168.250, 166.725
Flight Following 168.650
Hope that helps y'all around Tucson
If you have anything else, let me know, also if this NIFC Command repeater on 171.0875 has been used elsewhere, and what site it is at here??