2025 VHF Low Band Logs


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
San Antonio TX
BCD996XT w/ 10 meter dipole
30.0250 150.0 US MIL
30.2200 CSQ General Hospital, North York, ON, Canada w/ Morse ID XKC0414
30.3000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
31.0800 94.8 Blooming Glen Contractors Inc, Blooming Glen PA w/ Morse ID KNJK923
31.3600 173.8 Unidentified US business
32.1800 77.0 Taxi - Costa Rica
32.3500 150.0 US MIL - "Guard Ops"
32.9400 141.3 Taxi - Costa Rica
33.0400 114.8 First Student Inc, Middlebury CT
33.4400 179.9 Fire - Tolland Co CT
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.4800 179.9 Fire - Tolland Co CT
33.5600 100.0 Fire Dispatch - Easton CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.6400 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.7000 131.8 Mid State Mutual Aid Ch. 1, MA
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham MA
33.7200 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Franklin CT
33.7400 CSQ Fire Dispatch - West Point VA
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.8000 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8600 77.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.8600 179.9 Fire - Tollard Co CT
33.8800 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Bethleham CT
33.8800 179.0 EMS Dispatch - Possible New London county or Windham county CT
33.8800 82.5 Fire Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.9000 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications CT
33.9000 136.5 EMS Dispatch - Radner PA
33.9400 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 127.3 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Westminster MA
33.9800 CSQ EMS Dispatch
34.1000 150.0 US MIL
34.2000 150.0 US MIL
34.6000 150.0 US MIL - Flight following
35.0600 136.5 Unidentified US business
35.2800 151.4 Unidentified US Business
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
41.6000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control


Owner ScanNewEngland
Database Admin
Feb 15, 2010
New England
QTH: Bristol County, MA RX: BCD996P2 with Broken Dipole

ProScan logs (edited)

Quiet day today but a few hits.
FreqToneRSSIHitsLast Hit RXSystemGroupChannel
39.4000C 186.239061702/09/25 16:34:54CHPLos AngelesGold 2
39.1400C 162.23474102/09/25 16:19:24CHPBorder DivisionBlue Simulcast
39.3600C 162.241817902/09/25 16:18:34CHPOrange CountyGreen B
39.2200C 192.839361902/09/25 16:16:31CHPLos AngelesWhite 3
39.6800C 118.840753302/09/25 16:14:18CHPInlandTurquois B
39.8800C 118.840231702/09/25 14:18:09CHPInlandBeige B
36.0500C 136.53911602/09/25 14:16:44OtherFRENCH HIGHFrench Hwy


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
I’d really appreciate any help identifying:
35.06 D413 “The next 2 on prescow street then run and do the potato barn”” you want me just to back drag where the house is next door” “271 russell rd””they ran out of gas for their snowblower””I’m at Walmart gonna need salt here at some point””swing up to UPS where that stupid loading dock is make sure all the trucks out of there”


Patch & Channels Clear...
Dec 19, 2002
The Internet
Today's captures from Southern California:

FrequencyToneCallsignUserConfirmed via
33.980CarrierKGD259Warren Co, PA Fire DispatchFreq/No PL/Traffic
33.780114.8WQAX937Falmouth, MA Fire DispatchFreq/PL/Traffic (TRS patch)
31.100CarrierUnknownAsian fishery trafficFreq/No PL/Traffic
31.800CarrierUnknownAsian fishery trafficFreq/No PL/Traffic
37.700CarrierUnknownUnknownIntermittent dead carrier.
33.88082.5KQH904Licking Co, OH Fire DispatchFreq/PL/Traffic
37.580D412KGA845Potomac Electric Power Co Washington, DCFreq/PL/Traffic (CWID)
37.580UnknownUnknown ("233"?)UnknownCWID ending in "233", maybe KOB233 in Seattle, WA? Any help?
37.100162.2KET358Morgantown, WV Utility BoardFreq/PL/Traffic (Beaconing CWID)
37.020146.2KZM737W. Milford, NJ PoliceFreq/PL/Traffic (Fleetsync heard)
33.920CarrierWNKC982Lancaster Co, PA Fire Freq/No PL/Traffic
33.86077.0KGC676Washington Co, MD Fire DispatchFreq/PL/Traffic
33.860179.9KCD346Tolland Co, CT Fire Ops NorthFreq/PL/Traffic
33.820179.9KAV469Colchester, CT Fire DispatchFreq/PL/Traffic
39.140162.2WPGX917CHP Border Blue 1Freq/PL/Traffic

Definitely hearing two different CWIDs on 37.580. Anyone know if Seattle, WA is still using that frequency? There was an audible DPL on the signal, but Potomac came in after it, so I see Potomac's DPL (412) in the log. I could swear the last three of the CWID were either "133" or "233", and "1" would be invalid... Only callsign I see with "233" in the DB is Seattle.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
February low band captures. Corrections and identifications greatly appreciated.

QTH: Richmond,TX Bearcat BCT15 X scanner Sirio GPA 27-45 MHz ground plane antenna (25’ elevation) Butel ARC PRO software.

25.00 CSQ WWV Fort Collins, CO

29.64 CSQ Houston, TX WB5UGT Repeater

29.66 107.2 Los Angeles, CA N6LXX Repeater

29.68 146.2 Middleburg, VA KA4DCS Repeater

29.68 162.2 Clackamas, OR KR7IS Repeater

31.20 203.5 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica

31.24 D131 First Student, Norwich, CT

31.44 162.2 W Noble Hamilton & Son, Inc, Havre de Grace, MD

31.82 D244 Chestnut Ridge Trans, Spring Valley, NY? (Expired License)

33.10 123.0 Riverhead, NY Hwy Dept

33.44 179.9 Tolland Co, CT FD

33.48 114.8 Barnstable, MA FD

33.52 131.8 East Haven, CT FD

33.58 114.8 Yarmouth, MA FD

33.64 114.8 Bourne, MA FD

33.70 114.8 Hardwick, MA FD

33.70 131.8 Leominster, MA FD

33.72 179.9 Lebanon, CT FD

33.78 77.0 SW New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid

33.78 114.8 Falmouth, MA FD

33.80 179.9 Quinebaugh Valley, CT FD

33.82 179.9 Colchester, CT FD

33.84 131.8 Uxbridge, MA FD

33.86 179.9 Tolland Co, CT FD

33.88 179.9 Quinebaugh Valley, CT FD

33.92 179.9 Groton, CT FD

33.94 179.9 Waterford, CT FD

33.96 127.3 Westminster, MA

35.06 136.5 Trudeau Sand & Gravel, Saranac Lake, NY

35.06 D413 The next 2 on prescow street then run and do the potato barn”” you want me just to back drag where the house is next door” “271 russell rd””they ran out of gas for their snowblower””I’m at Walmart gonna need salt here at some point””swing up to UPS where that stupid loading dock is make sure all the trucks out of there”

35.84 192.8 Bonded Concrete, West Sand Lake, NY

37.02 146.2 W. Milford, NJ PD

37.24 146.2 (input) W. Milford, NJ PD

37.76 156.7 City/County of San Francisco, CA Water Dept

44.58 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail limits compliance system

47.38 107.2 North Carolina DOT


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
I’d really appreciate any help identifying:
35.06 D413 “The next 2 on prescow street then run and do the potato barn”” you want me just to back drag where the house is next door” “271 russell rd””they ran out of gas for their snowblower””I’m at Walmart gonna need salt here at some point””swing up to UPS where that stupid loading dock is make sure all the trucks out of there”
@d119 I was able to confirm 35.06 D413 McGillan Construction, Inc, Fort Fairfield, ME (License Expired)