Okay, against my better judgement (and because I had some time on my hands 'cause my new job doesn't start 'til next week), I looked.
http://www.fcc.gov/eb/rfo/ActAct.html Nada.
http://www.fcc.gov/eb/rfo/actions.html Zilch.
Daily Digests (relevant dates) Zero. Too busy busting phone slammers and fining radio stations that allow their DJ's to say 'poopy' on the air.
Enforcement Bureau Big ol' cypher there, too, though I was amused to see among the obscenity complaints that some moronic "watchdog" organization waited three (3) years to complain about supposed obscenity in a
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer episode. Then I visited the org's web site, and soon after was granted an understanding of those stupid T-shirts that are out now that say, "Sometimes I pee when I laugh".
Various rumors abound regarding the fate and source of the transmission, the most notable of which is vague statement claiming that the FCC had narrowed down the source to Albuquerque, NM, and had passed that information to the ARRL Section for that area. Apparently you have to be a member to gain access to the
ARRL Intruder Watch and be privy to those details, so the trail ends there, I guess.
Also, it is rumored that the sound bite may have actually been Yukon Cornelius from
Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer.