I'm going to assume operator error here, but just in case it's not I thought I would put a post up so that if this is a firmware bug, it can get fixed.
Long story short - I added a new department to the scanner so that it would just have 2 talkgroups in it that I would want to monitor for potential news stories: Mesa Fire Dispatch and Phoenix Fire Dispatch. I'm not near my home PC with Sentinel on it, so I went into the scanner's menus, set up this department, added the two channels, and set the service type to Fire Dispatch for both. I then put the scanner in "Department Hold" on my new "Fire Dispatch" department, expecting to hear just Fire Dispatch for both fire departments. The problem is, I hear nothing! The scanner won't stop on either one and both are quite active pretty much 24/7.
Now here's where it gets bizarre. I can HOLD on the channels and hear traffic on them (assuming when I stopped the scan I was on the right site of course). But when scanning, nada. What did I miss when I set this up? Thinking the department was the problem, I enabled the Custom 1 service type since that's what the new channels defaulted to when I set them up, but it's still not working. Avoids are off, location control is off, etc. These same talkgroups also come up fine when scanning other "Departments". Either I'm missing something here, or there's a bug that needs fixing. What else can I check?
Long story short - I added a new department to the scanner so that it would just have 2 talkgroups in it that I would want to monitor for potential news stories: Mesa Fire Dispatch and Phoenix Fire Dispatch. I'm not near my home PC with Sentinel on it, so I went into the scanner's menus, set up this department, added the two channels, and set the service type to Fire Dispatch for both. I then put the scanner in "Department Hold" on my new "Fire Dispatch" department, expecting to hear just Fire Dispatch for both fire departments. The problem is, I hear nothing! The scanner won't stop on either one and both are quite active pretty much 24/7.
Now here's where it gets bizarre. I can HOLD on the channels and hear traffic on them (assuming when I stopped the scan I was on the right site of course). But when scanning, nada. What did I miss when I set this up? Thinking the department was the problem, I enabled the Custom 1 service type since that's what the new channels defaulted to when I set them up, but it's still not working. Avoids are off, location control is off, etc. These same talkgroups also come up fine when scanning other "Departments". Either I'm missing something here, or there's a bug that needs fixing. What else can I check?