greetings all.
I've done the search in RR for above Freq get the hits for IFB reporter earpieces, I think there was a hit for a Newyork media outlet
In Tampa Bay - North Tarpon I'm picking up a woman as base and a man as mobile. there is no communication that sounds even close to news media. the woman at base is often reaching out to the mobile because she's hungry or thirsty. dogs barking and a tv can often be heard in her background. one transmission she was telling the mobile that one of the dogs got into a colostomy bag and was eating its contents................that's.........really...........nasty.
my guess is this woman is disabled at home and her husband take care of her.
I'm wondering if this is a new baufeng/retervis commercial type radio default channel.
can you all give a listen around Florida to see if you get hits on this freq/pl combo? I searched my entire Tampa Bay and beyond history and I only get hits in 2023 so this is new.
I've done the search in RR for above Freq get the hits for IFB reporter earpieces, I think there was a hit for a Newyork media outlet
In Tampa Bay - North Tarpon I'm picking up a woman as base and a man as mobile. there is no communication that sounds even close to news media. the woman at base is often reaching out to the mobile because she's hungry or thirsty. dogs barking and a tv can often be heard in her background. one transmission she was telling the mobile that one of the dogs got into a colostomy bag and was eating its contents................that's.........really...........nasty.
my guess is this woman is disabled at home and her husband take care of her.
I'm wondering if this is a new baufeng/retervis commercial type radio default channel.
can you all give a listen around Florida to see if you get hits on this freq/pl combo? I searched my entire Tampa Bay and beyond history and I only get hits in 2023 so this is new.