This may be old news to you 996XT owners, but I discovered something really sweet with the Active Channel Display Mode on my 996XT and it works the same way on my 396XT. I thought I would share it anyway! I enabled the Active Channel Display Mode on Freescan using the Set Scanner Options, General tab.
I was then able to seeradio ID's come across the display. I was on the Columbus Ohio Police which is a Motorola Analog Type II system. I noticed that say for example the radio ID for the Columbus PD cruiser #185 is i51850. Well, if you program in a separate channel the Talk Group ID of i51850 and enter the description as CPD CAR 185 for that talk group, CPD CAR 185 displays when that unit transmits!! You will need to activate Display Mode 3 in your menu F-6 (keypad) with the Active Channel Display Mode Enabled. It is so cool to see in the display CPD CAR 185 when they transmit. This scanner is AMAZING!
To better illustrate what I am trying to communicate. Before I configured and programmed my scanners like that I saw this:
First line: Columbus Police (System Name)
Second line: North East Area (Group Name)
Third Line (in a smaller font): 1328 or 859.9875 or || || |||| (for Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3 respectively)
So what I see in my display now when CPD Car 185 is talking is:
First line: Columbus Police
Second line: North East Area
Third Line: CPD Car 185 (smaller font)
Happy Scanning!
I was then able to seeradio ID's come across the display. I was on the Columbus Ohio Police which is a Motorola Analog Type II system. I noticed that say for example the radio ID for the Columbus PD cruiser #185 is i51850. Well, if you program in a separate channel the Talk Group ID of i51850 and enter the description as CPD CAR 185 for that talk group, CPD CAR 185 displays when that unit transmits!! You will need to activate Display Mode 3 in your menu F-6 (keypad) with the Active Channel Display Mode Enabled. It is so cool to see in the display CPD CAR 185 when they transmit. This scanner is AMAZING!
To better illustrate what I am trying to communicate. Before I configured and programmed my scanners like that I saw this:
First line: Columbus Police (System Name)
Second line: North East Area (Group Name)
Third Line (in a smaller font): 1328 or 859.9875 or || || |||| (for Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3 respectively)
So what I see in my display now when CPD Car 185 is talking is:
First line: Columbus Police
Second line: North East Area
Third Line: CPD Car 185 (smaller font)
Happy Scanning!