Unforunately Lafayette Parish System on Latie is encrypted, that sucks the big wazzoo
I thought the LATIE Lafayette system was not going to be encrypted for another few years or so. Are they using the LATIE system now and is it encrypted or are they still using 800.
Landman you mentioned you have not heard Acadian "F2 6846" talkgroup on the Lafayette LATIE system. Have you heard them lately. I heard them using the "F2-6846 talkgroup today.
If the Lafayette system is encrypted does that mean everything shared on the Lafayette LATIE system will be encrypted (Acadian Ambulance, State Police, St. Martin SO, etc...). I thought Lafayette P.D and Lafayette S.O. will be the only ones encrypted not every one using that area tower. For example I can't see why Acadian would be encrypted in Lafayette area but not the same ID on all the other towers.