MOSWIN St. Louis area intermod


Premium Subscriber
Aug 28, 2003
St. Louis
Has anyone that lives in St. Louis or surrounding areas that monitor sites 201 and 205 experienced very bad intermod for the past week or so? I have monitored those sites for years and for the most part get fantastic reception even on scanners that can't handle the intermod very well. Today was probably the worst day.

I was trying to follow a fire on the eighth floor of Children's Hospital but I could not hear a lot of the radio traffic, even on my SDS100, which is about 99.0% distortion free. I noticed that even the units on scene were having issues, especially when they were trying to contact one of the chiefs on scene. Even the dispatcher could not get through to him.

My first thought was they were using an onsite repeater (which they have used before in multiple levels of below ground fires) but if that was the case, all units would be on that channel. I also thought that particular chief, as well as other units on scene, may have accidentally hit a button or switch that changed their radio setting. Not sure at all.

So I am checking to see if anyone else has had intermod distortion, great than normal, in the city lately.