406-420 MHz update
I've had over a week to monitor and thanks to firescannerbob who had the correct base, offset, and spacing (for Ft. Carson) I was able to put together a corrected list of active monitored frqs in the 406-420 MHz area.
Colorado Springs active 406-420 MHz frqs; August 2008
406.1125 CC Ft. Carson SID A931-0004
406.1500 PAFB SID 0157-0101
406.3625 USAFA SID 5F10
406.5625 PAFB SID 0157-0104
406.7750 Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
406.9625 CC Ft. Carson SID A931-0003
406.9625 USAFA SID 5F10
407.1625 CC USAFA SID 5F10
407.3625 USAFA SID 5F10
407.5625 CC PAFB SID 0157-0101
407.7625 CC Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
407.8625 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
407.8875 CC PAFB SID 0157-0104
407.9500 CC Ft. Carson SID A931-0005
407.9625 CC Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
408.0875 PAFB SID 0157-0101
408.1250 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
408.1625 PAFB SID 0157-0101
408.3625 PAFB SID 0157-0104
408.4250 Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
408.5625 PAFB SID 0157-0101
408.7625 CC USAFA SID 5F10
409.0250 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.1250 Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
409.1625 CC USAFA SID 5F10
409.2750 PAFB SID 0157-0104
409.3500 PAFB SID 0157-0101
409.3625 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.3750 Ft. Carson SID A931-0005
409.5125 CC PAFB SID 0157-0101
409.5625 CC USAFA SID 5F10
409.6375 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.6875 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.7000 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.7125 Ft. Carson SID A931-0005
409.7625 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
409.9625 PAFB SID 0157-0104
410.0750 data
410.1500 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
410.1625 Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
410.1750 Ft. Carson SID A931-0005
410.3250 Ft. Carson SID A931-0001
410.3750 Ft. Carson SID A931-0005
410.5500 Ft. Carson SID A931-0002
PAFB = Peterson AFB
USAFA = U.S. Air Force Academy
CC = Control Channel heard
406.9625 in use by USAFA and Ft. Carson.
Here's my list from 6 days of monitoring this last week. The Ft. Carson channels can be heard individually using P25, but I just cannot get the Control Channels to work properly in my BCD396T scanner. Saw this at a Radio Hawaii Yahoo Group which may be applicable at Ft. Carson: "They may be using a new STATE of the ART Motorola Equipment called Pacific Land Mobile Radio. Motorola has ADP which if used our digital scanners can't lock on to the 9600 baud datastream." I suspect the Control Channels with System ID A931 belong to Ft. Carson.
I have not determined what Schreiver AFB or Cheyenne Mountain are using for their radio systems.
Colorado Springs active 406-420 MHz Military frqs. January 2008
406.1500 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
406.3125 CC (not Ft. Carson; can't get SID, too weak)
406.3625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10
406.5500 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not active)
406.5625 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0104
406.7750 CC A931-0002 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
406.9625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10
406.9875 CC too weak
407.0750 CC A931-0001 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
407.1375 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
407.1625 CC USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (not listed at RadioReference)
407.3250 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not active)
407.3625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10
407.5500 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not active)
407.5625 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
407.7625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10
407.8125 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
407.8625 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
407.8875 CC P25 TRS SID 0157-0104, w/406.5625, 408.3625, 409.275 & 409.9625
407.9500 CC A931-0005 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
407.9625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not heard)
408.0000 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not heard)
408.0875 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
408.1250 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
408.1625 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
408.3625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10; P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0104
408.4250 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
408.5625 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
408.7625 CC USAFA TRS SID 5F10
408.8000 P25
409.0250 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.1250 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.1625 CC USAFA TRS SID 5F10
409.2750 P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0104
409.3125 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0001
409.3500 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0001
409.3625 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.3750 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.5125 P25 CC PAFB TRS SID 0157-0101
409.5625 CC USAFA TRS SID 5F10
409.6375 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.6875 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.7000 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.7125 USAFA TRS SID 5F10 (listed at RadioReference, not active); (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.7625 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
409.9625 USAFA TRS SID 5F10; P25 PAFB TRS SID 0157-0104
410.1500 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
410.1625 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
410.1750 P25
410.3250 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)
410.5500 P25 (Part of the Ft. Carson TRS)