At our shop we keep an XTL 2500 and HLN6042A base stationed inside one of our offices, but we'd like to run an external speaker out into our bays where we work. There is a lot about impedance, etc that I don't know about when it comes to audio and speakers. The plan is to tie into the existing plug connecting the radio and the base together.
Our bays aren't terribly noisy, as we do 99% of our work either in our offices or outside and away from the shop, but we would like the ability to hear radio traffic in all area inside.
The 2 bays have a shared half wall, and each bay is 30' x 45'. Would love to run a single speaker to this half wall so as to cover a 60' x 45' area. This run would likely take 100' of wire from base to new external speaker. (I'm ok with splicing speaker wire if need be/possible.)
Thoughts? What all do I need to consider?
Thanks in advance.
Our bays aren't terribly noisy, as we do 99% of our work either in our offices or outside and away from the shop, but we would like the ability to hear radio traffic in all area inside.
The 2 bays have a shared half wall, and each bay is 30' x 45'. Would love to run a single speaker to this half wall so as to cover a 60' x 45' area. This run would likely take 100' of wire from base to new external speaker. (I'm ok with splicing speaker wire if need be/possible.)
Thoughts? What all do I need to consider?
Thanks in advance.