Additions to the HF utlity Wiki

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, I didn't know that there was one either, until I looked. I've added a few links there for the WUN, Utlity Monitoring Central, and perhaps most importantly (seeing as I am writing this, Hurricane - yes, it's category 2 now - Katrina is eyeing the Florida Panhandle area...) 2 important links for getting frequency information (and before I'm deluged with this, the Hurricane Watch net is already there...).

I'll be adding some more shortly, including some places where you can read receiver reviews, a super links page on just about any receiver you can think of, and more. If you're a little shaky on programming the Wiki, well, to be perfectly honest, I am more than a little shaky on it myself but it's a start.

73s Mike


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Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Very nice work indeed... if you need sections added to pages that are locked down, let me know and I'll add them.

Recommend when tackling the models section you create a single page for each radio model as we have done.

In addition, I created a Wiki extension to display ebay auctions right on the page using the following:




Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Ok I've added a few more links which should interest some of you - one is the official 53rd WRS home page for the Hurricane Hunters, a link for the flight plan that is filed on the web, and something that's a little more off the beaten path.....
Regular WUN readers will recognize the famous 'Southbound 2' net hosted by Herb Hilgenberg VE3LML on a few HF Maritime frequencies. Herb is actually in Canada, and works with ships (often in the Carribbean) for getting weather and shipping conditions. If propagation is good (and lord knows it hasn't been all that great lately) you might hear both Herb and the ship, as he is working on simplex frequencies. In fact, it's so well known that the late Peter Jennings of ABC news (himself a ham) interviewed Herb, and I think that interview is also on his website.
With Katrina gaining strength, and if the propagation gods allow it, it should make for interesting listening. 73s Mike

[Edit] Almost forgot - Lindsay I won't even TRY to handle a 'models section' - Ulis's RadioIntel page has done a much better job of it than I could ever do. mja
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