Alinco: Alinco DJ-MD5 Issues


Oct 22, 2004
North Carolina
Hello, I am having some issues with my DJ-MD5 radio. For some reason the radio keeps making a popping sound when trying to receive a talkgroup when using my hotspot or repeater. Not sure what the issue is but I am just about done with it. Please see the troubleshooting steps below that I have tried. Anyone have any suggestions?

Here is what I have done so far which has not helped.
1. Radio has a good known working code plug, it was the one that I created prior to the radio having issues which was working.

2. I have created a blank code which I thought was the issue. Radio again does the same thing when trying to listen to my hotspot so I don't think the code plug is the issue.

3. I can try to transmit to my hotspot on the Parrot TG, radio will transmit & I can see it show up on the dashboard on the hotspot, however when it goes to receive I hear 2 pops from the speaker and never hear any audio. When I try to transmit again the radio then will lock up and all I can do is then turn it off.

4. I have reset the radio at least 3 times now. I am using the software from Alinco with it.

5. I have even reloaded the firmware for it that I got off the Remtronics website.

6. Yes the radio also does this if you have it promiscuous receive (Which is what I normally leave it in). Setting it to slot 1 or 2 makes no difference.

7. Analog seems to work fine & does not have these issues its only on Digital.
I have rebooted the radio probabaly more than 30 times, removed the battery from it, charged it, etc.... I am litteraly not sure what else there is left to do with it. I have checked virtually every setting in the CPS that I can think of. I was able to get it to work right last night maybe after turning it off for the 20th time for like 5 minutes and then it just stopped receiving. I tried again this morning and the radio is popping again when trying to display the TG from the hotspot. Radio is set on the correct frequency from the hotspot. Hotspot is working, I can receive it just fine using my scanner. I think the issue is the radio, however it is out of warranty. If I can't get it to work I will start hunting down another radio. One other thing, when it makes the popping noise, if I try to go over and listen to a analog transmission I can see the radio receiving the signal but no audio comes across the speaker. Radio works fine up until the point it tries to receive the digital signal & thats when it stops working.