Does anyone here know what the talkgroup id for Alpharetta police tac 2 is? I know it exists, but neither the database on here (RR), nor the database for scanfulton(.com) has it. I have searched for it online but to no avail. Thanks!
43248 a8f Alpharetta Police CH-1 Law Dispatch
43280 a91 Alpharetta Police CH-2 Law Tac
43312 a93 Alpharetta Police CID Law Tac
43344 a95 Alpharetta Police NCIC Law Tac
43408 a99 Alpharetta Fire Dispatch Fire Dispatch
43440 a9b Alpharetta Fire TAC-1 Fire-Tac
43472 a9d Alpharetta Fire TAC-2 Fire-Tac
43504 a9f Alpharetta Fire Administration / Inspections Fire-Tac
43696 aab Senior Services Other
44304 ad1 Alpharetta City Engineering Public Works
44336 ad3 Alpharetta Police TAC 2 Law Tac