This week I put up a new random/long wire antenna. It's 107 feet long and 18 feet high. It has a 1:1 balun at the end that comes into the house on 30 feet of RG8X coax. I only use it for receiving MW and shortwave. The antenna works fine and is definitely an improvement over my old antenna. I'm out away from any large city AM radio stations. Boston is the closest at 75 miles. There are several low powered AM stations about 20 miles away.
But I have noticed something odd. My Tecsun PL-880 is picking up Boston's WBZ 1030 AM station at 22630 MHz. And it's coming in almost as well as it does at 1030 KHz. This only happens when I connect the Tecsun to my new antenna. That frequency is totally dead using just the whip antenna, and I'm fairly certain the Tecsun didn't pickup WBZ at that frequency on my old 58 foot long wire. I restore antique radios and have several shortwave ones. None of them pickup WBZ at 22630 MHz with my new antenna, so its something peculiar to the Tecsun.
I don't see how it can have anything to do with harmonics, because 22630 is not divisible by 1030. What do you think? A bug in the Tecsun's firmware?
But I have noticed something odd. My Tecsun PL-880 is picking up Boston's WBZ 1030 AM station at 22630 MHz. And it's coming in almost as well as it does at 1030 KHz. This only happens when I connect the Tecsun to my new antenna. That frequency is totally dead using just the whip antenna, and I'm fairly certain the Tecsun didn't pickup WBZ at that frequency on my old 58 foot long wire. I restore antique radios and have several shortwave ones. None of them pickup WBZ at 22630 MHz with my new antenna, so its something peculiar to the Tecsun.
I don't see how it can have anything to do with harmonics, because 22630 is not divisible by 1030. What do you think? A bug in the Tecsun's firmware?