AM DX logs here!

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Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Driving to the Farm & Fleet store about 5 miles south of here, I'm listening to 1540khz WTKM which is about 35 miles north of me. They don't run a lot of watts (500), so they aren't terribly loud, but they play different music which is nice. Getting down to the store, WTKM is weaker now of course (ground wave) and there are two stations trying to come up and over it which is unusual. In the winter, KXEL in Waterloo, IA will quite often come up and over via some daytime D layer skip and near sunset, CHIN in Ontario, Canada will add to the mix. In the summer, however, this almost never happens, so there is definitely something odd going on today.

Also, I was hearing a traffic information station in northern Illinois on 1620khz. I normally don't hear them unless near the state line, some 25 miles farther south yet, so hearing them up here is quite unusual.

Some weird stuff going on today, I tell 'ya!


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
Hitting the MW room tonight-good copy on 1330 KJLL "The Jolt" out of South Tuscon, Az at 755 miles. Now on 1410 and KRML out of Carmel, Ca at 89 miles is having a slomotion pingpong match with KERI out of Bakersfield, Ca at 254 miles... the sweet jazz eminating from Carmel is dominating. Ahh it's tea time:)


Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2010
West Michigan
Driving to the Farm & Fleet store about 5 miles south of here, I'm listening to 1540khz WTKM which is about 35 miles north of me. They don't run a lot of watts (500), so they aren't terribly loud, but they play different music which is nice. Getting down to the store, WTKM is weaker now of course (ground wave) and there are two stations trying to come up and over it which is unusual. In the winter, KXEL in Waterloo, IA will quite often come up and over via some daytime D layer skip and near sunset, CHIN in Ontario, Canada will add to the mix. In the summer, however, this almost never happens, so there is definitely something odd going on today.

1540 was interesting for me late last night as KXEL was off the air. When CHIN was phased out I had daytimer KBOA coming in and an UNID ESPN station - both new logs. KXEL is always a powerhouse here.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2010
West Michigan
Nice KOA reception Ridge. I have a local about 5 miles away from here on 850 kc making KOA nearly impossible for me.

Sunrise skip conditions to the west have been very good here during the last week allowing me to finally bag KNBR on 680. KFI and KNX were also heard last week, but KNBR is a new one for me. Just to show how good conditions have been in the morning, here's a short audio clip of KNX blasting in like a local at a distance of 1,841 miles:

1070 Khz KNX 05SE11 1126 UTC.mp3


Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Nice KOA reception Ridge. I have a local about 5 miles away from here on 850 kc making KOA nearly impossible for me.

Sunrise skip conditions to the west have been very good here during the last week allowing me to finally bag KNBR on 680. KFI and KNX were also heard last week, but KNBR is a new one for me. Just to show how good conditions have been in the morning, here's a short audio clip of KNX blasting in like a local at a distance of 1,841 miles:

1070 Khz KNX 05SE11 1126 UTC.mp3

Isn't that interesting ... I can hear KNBR on occasion if they can over power Chicago's 670 slop. KFI is possible at times, but now there's that pesky Mexican mx station in western Michigan on freq. and KNX is a very good catch. No chance for me with Madison, WI on freq. that I hear via ground wave.

Good stuff.


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
Gees I bow to the MW masters! Furthest I can get is Denver and Window Rock, Az. but I only have a 100-footer up there-kilo you run something like 400' right? Anyways not fully tuned for MW/LW here.


Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
That KTNN has been heard over here in the Midwest on occasion, but not very often. I'm looking for a spot where I can park and lay out 600 to 1000 ft of wire on the ground for a few hours of listening without the red and blue lights bothering me. That Perseus receiver would be ideal. Lay out wire, record 10 minutes at the top of the hour, reel wire back in and split. In and out within a half hour then take your time sifting through the audio recording when you get home.


Apr 15, 2010
Lewes Delaware
I have 4 huge powerhouses in Philadelphia and it makes AM DX very interesting. This is a local station KYW 1060 in Philadelphia which i have gotten down in Florida and also in Maine..I just finished cleaning up a SX-110 and tried out the bands.

SX-110 on 1060 KYW - YouTube


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
That KTNN has been heard over here in the Midwest on occasion, but not very often. I'm looking for a spot where I can park and lay out 600 to 1000 ft of wire on the ground for a few hours of listening without the red and blue lights bothering me. That Perseus receiver would be ideal. Lay out wire, record 10 minutes at the top of the hour, reel wire back in and split. In and out within a half hour then take your time sifting through the audio recording when you get home.
Yeah no thanks to the POS terrorists the law has to be looking at everything. Out here you CANNOT stop anywhere near SFO to perhaps watch a couple jets power up and take off without three CrownVics converging. I would like to see that DX session in a video-I've never seen what that much wire laid out can do.
I have 4 huge powerhouses in Philadelphia and it makes AM DX very interesting. This is a local station KYW 1060 in Philadelphia which i have gotten down in Florida and also in Maine..I just finished cleaning up a SX-110 and tried out the bands.

SX-110 on 1060 KYW - YouTube
Man Sal-that audio on your Hallie is SO choice. That's a great radio.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2010
West Michigan
That KTNN has been heard over here in the Midwest on occasion, but not very often. I'm looking for a spot where I can park and lay out 600 to 1000 ft of wire on the ground for a few hours of listening without the red and blue lights bothering me. That Perseus receiver would be ideal. Lay out wire, record 10 minutes at the top of the hour, reel wire back in and split. In and out within a half hour then take your time sifting through the audio recording when you get home.

Last year I did this, at the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I recorded hours of the whole MW band and then spent countless hours back home analyzing those recordings. I heard a bunch of interesting stuff - Bermuda on a graveyard channel, stuff from Europe and the Caribbean, and at least one or two from Brazil. The downside is that you can literally spend months going through those recordings. It's cool but also very time consuming! Oh, and don't forget the batteries you'll need to power the laptop and the means that you'll need to provide 5 volts to the Perseus. Our campsite had no electricity so I used small sealed lead acid batteries and built a 12 to 5 vdc voltage converter for the Perseus.

Here's Bermuda as it sounded from OBX last year:

Mediumwave DX Perseus SDR - 1450 khz AM Gold Bermuda received at OBX - YouTube


Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants to catch that up here?

Even just 600 ft can be pretty directional. I've prob. told this story already, but the last time I layed out a BOG, I was depressed because I couldn't hear much of anything. "This is a POS!" Then I came across WDHP 1620 Virgin Islands, S9 and all alone right off the far end of the wire. OH YEAH!
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Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2010
West Michigan
Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants to catch that up here?

Even just 600 ft can be pretty directional. I've prob. told this story already, but the last time I layed out a BOG, I was depressed because I couldn't hear much of anything. "This is a POS!" Then I came across WDHP 1620 Virgin Islands, S9 and all alone right off the far end of the wire. OH YEAH!

Yes - long live the BOG! I couldn't be happier with mine, and so simple to implement if you have the space.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2010
West Michigan
KNX 1070 continues to be a 1,850 mile pest here in the morning (never thought I'd say that!) Here they are ruining my reception of WFNI and CHOK on the morning drive to work :)

Dashboard DX - KNX 1070 Los Angeles received in Michigan on car radio - YouTube

In all seriousness, now is the time to snag them if you're in the midwest, around local sunrise.

Just goes to show you don't need a fancy radio or antenna to get the good DX.


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
KNX 1070 continues to be a 1,850 mile pest here in the morning (never thought I'd say that!) Here they are ruining my reception of WFNI and CHOK on the morning drive to work :)

Dashboard DX - KNX 1070 Los Angeles received in Michigan on car radio - YouTube

In all seriousness, now is the time to snag them if you're in the midwest, around local sunrise.

Just goes to show you don't need a fancy radio or antenna to get the good DX.
Funny that here in SF KNX is one of the weaker long distance stations to make it to my ear. I envy your antenna situation there-it must be so cool to have a decent piece of land to experiment on. I'm so fortunate to even be able to run my 100' wire as long as I have. I still enjoy some cool DX within the confines of apartment life:)
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