I'd like to know where exactly these "whackers" are showing up at. I've been through 5 windstorm hurricanes, 2 regional tropical storm floods, more seasonal area floods than I can count, and the occasional ice storm, and I've never seen anyone like that. Scammers, thieves, con men, and such, but never one of these whackers. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that they're mostly a boogeyman or delusion.
Seriously, guys, if you're going to scapegoat some people, you have to make sure they actually exist. I have yet to see a whacker in the wild, I've only read these stories of thylacines and mome raths. And I've never seen a news story about them, either. That's not evidence of their non-existence, but neither is your vitriol nor invective. Judging from the depth of contempt from some here towards these "whackers", I'd say it's from something more than just idiots keying up radios.
Who knows? Maybe we've just been through enough actual disasters in Houston that we don't do stupid crap in times of trouble.
According to previous posts, the police are called to deal with people that want to help but are less qualified, so I don't really imagine this as much of a problem.
I would like to know how many people that drive the large and old Chevy Caprices are doing. The ones with all of the antennas and light bars (I assume without lights), and other accoutrements of police cars from 30 years ago. Are whackers, or just wanna-bes that no enough to stay away from real incidents.
I'm starting to think that there are LOTS of people that want to help, as long as it's not too inconvenient, but they don't have (and I hate to say it, intellectual capacity) to do so.
Last year while filling up with gas, about 3 fire engines raced past the station, sirens screaming.... then I saw a younger adult look at the emergency fuel shut off switch for the station and the sign that said "In case of fire, Push", he looked back at where the engines had gone by, then back at the big red button, and started to reach for it.... he was then yelled at by a bystander to not push the switch.
Unfortunately, it could go well beyond that. While watching the news of the fires in California, there was a segment about a guy trying to start more fires with a propane torch. and I had to wonder if he was just doing what had he had seen in the news (un-burnt dead brush should be burned in a controlled burn, and sometimes fire breaks can be made with limited burning ahead of a fire).
I don't see a good solution to this kind of thing. There probably isn't, just stay vigilant, and make sure we aren't part of the problem.