Sometime between 3 and 4 AM the feed went silent. Normally, when the feed is down none of the Iphone apps "work", i.e., an error message displays, the status here on RadioReference/Broadcastify is "offline" and the apps show zero listeners. This time, it looks like the feed is up/working, it displays as 'on line" here on Broadcastify, my Iphone apps show that there are 20 or 30 listeners (changing from time to time, the same as when it is working), but there is no sound at all. Haven't had a dispatch audible for over 13 hours. Other listeners who post on Facebook have the same problem, so it is not my phone or computer, definitely an outage or problem of some sort from the source. I assume it started with a power outage due to the high winds/storms last night. Power has been restored all over town, I believe. One Facebook poster said he's contacted APD about this and they are looking into it. This thread is for those who don't use Facebook, in case you might have or need information about this.