Angeles National Forest - map of fire stations - Google My Maps - here is a fairly good map of the fire stations in Angeles National Forest that I pulled together today. The hard part is getting the engine numbers placed at the correct stations.
Correction to earlier post - wildcad does not show area numbers presently. Some of the Area Numbers are listed here -
Fire Resource List - Angeles National Forest Calif - seems to be info from 2010 and 2013 - not sure where the Area Numbers came from
Daddy likes your station map. He would love to have one for each forest, however, on many forests all resources are assigned to the Ranger District office. The number of apparatus on national forests in California and the need for better response times drives the need for stations out on the ranger districts. In addition travel can involve roads with a lot more traffic and congestion.
He does mention one big, big mistake on the maps. You use the term "U.S. Forestry Department," a big no, no for anyone who works, has worked or was a Forest Service brat growing up. The correct term is "U.S. Forest Service." In the federal government the designation "department" is only used at the cabinet secretary level, that is, Department of the Interior, with the Secretary of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture, with the Secretary of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, etc. There are agencies like the National Park Service, the National Resource Conservation Service, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, but none are called "departments" as they all work within and under the direction of the "departments."
Daddy has never understood why so many people, even those who have worked with the U.S. Forest Service as permittees, contractors and such that can't seem to get the name straight. It was Daddy's pet peeve. I sort of have a similar perspective. Then there is the general public who must have forgotten or never paid attention to their civics instructions. They can't distinguish well known federal, state, county and municipal governments. Daddy recalls when someone came up to him when the governor of Arizona was going after the budget and cutting many programs. That person mentioned the governor and said "boy, he is really going after you guys." Daddy said, "he isn't affecting us at all, he, by law, can't. A short lesson in civics followed.