I use two wires, one 450 FT long and the other 500 FT long. The wires are parallel to one another and spaced about 2 feet apart and are left unterminated at the far ends. Leaving them unterminated allows me to operate them bidirectionally using a phaser. Each wire is matched to 50 ohm lead-in coax through an ICE beverage transformer (adjustable from 6:1 to 12:1). Unfortunately, I don't think these transformers are being made anymore, but you could roll your own. I've had great results with the BOGs on MW and LW and encourage anyone to give it a shot if you have the room. Aside from being very simple, they are stealthy too!
Yep, but this was heard on my D-KAZ loop, another superb MW & SW antenna. It's good to have options
OK, tnx for the antenna info.
Going to do some experimenting with BOG when the WX improves.