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Any experiance with the Laird YDA1504 VHF Dipole

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Feed Provider
Jul 22, 2006
NorCal - Napa Valley
Have any of you had any experience with the Laird YDA-1504 VHF 4-bay dipole? My options are to put in an amp or replace the antenna to increase the output, but would prefer the additional receive gain by looking at t upgrading a 2-bay to a 4-bay on a VHF repeater system?

I know you get what you pay for but haven't found much on these or reviews as they are not your typical folded dipole. And for any FCC licensing Nazi's out there, the system ERP will still be within the the limit of the license.

Laird has never been a high tiered antenna, but figured what the hell, see what others think.

go to page 7 for antenna spec's:


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
I have what I believe is the same antenna under the Maxrad brand plus others currently from Sinclar, Cushcraft, RFS and DB Products in the past.

My Maxrad is not quite as wide band as the folded types from Sinclair or RFS but the gain and pattern seems about the same. I may not trust the Maxrad or Laird at some of the So Cal mountain top repeater sites where we get blizzard conditions and direct lightning hits but the dipole arrays from DB Products and Sinclair are popular there and survive a long time.

If you look at gain apples to apples or dBd to dBd you'll find the exposed dipole array is about the most gain for its size you can get in an omni antenna.

QUOTE=brushfire21;2394662]Have any of you had any experience with the Laird YDA-1504 VHF 4-bay dipole? My options are to put in an amp or replace the antenna to increase the output, but would prefer the additional receive gain by looking at t upgrading a 2-bay to a 4-bay on a VHF repeater system?

I know you get what you pay for but haven't found much on these or reviews as they are not your typical folded dipole. And for any FCC licensing Nazi's out there, the system ERP will still be within the the limit of the license.

Laird has never been a high tiered antenna, but figured what the hell, see what others think.

go to page 7 for antenna spec's:


Feed Provider
Jul 22, 2006
NorCal - Napa Valley
The location for this antenna is on a hilltop that gets wind gusts to 40-50mph but rarely any snow or ice, lightning isn't very common but needs to be factored in. I am looking at what kind of cabling is used and how the cables are attached to the dipoles and weather proofing. The pricing is really good for the antenna and makes it very appetizing, but I am not one to skimp if this this is only mediocre.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
I had to go look at my tower with some binoculars to refresh my memory. My version has an SO-239 on each dipole and the coax harness has crimp type PL-259s. The SO-239 is an aluminum part pressed into an aluminum block and similar to the connectors on Maxrad, Laird, Antenex and other Yagi's. The cable harness is a 75 ohm coax like RG-6 or maybe RG-59.

I've taken down a number of antennas with this type construction and the male coax connectors can get corroded and fused to the female connector and they can also corrode around the pressed in SO-239 so bad they actually come loose from the mounting block when you try to unscrew the connector. Mine has been up for about 10yrs near the ocean and it looks to be in good shape but I gave it many coats of flat grey paint when it was installed.

For your location your probably fine with this type construction but I would give the coax connectors a really good weather proof wrap and maybe coat the gamma rod to coax bolt and any other connection with a good weather proof coating to prevent corrosion. Make sure you degrease anything before coating and I've been curious about some of the new spray on rubber coatings made for repairing rain gutters, etc, for just this purpose.

The location for this antenna is on a hilltop that gets wind gusts to 40-50mph but rarely any snow or ice, lightning isn't very common but needs to be factored in. I am looking at what kind of cabling is used and how the cables are attached to the dipoles and weather proofing. The pricing is really good for the antenna and makes it very appetizing, but I am not one to skimp if this this is only mediocre.


Jul 14, 2014
Newnan, GA
Been looking online for the various flavors of "DB224" style exposed dipoles. Found one at Tesco(sp?), where you could purchase the dipoles and harness but procure the mast locally to same cost, mostly shipping. Sent them a request for price but never heard back. Did not see a price listed for this one, do they sell directly? Saw some distributors listed but the first 2 I tried no longer exist apparantely. This one seems to have less spacing between the dipoles than a regular DB224. Looks like the also sell replacement parts also. Where did you find a price? Thanks


Aug 24, 2013
Maryland Shore
I haven't personally tried the Laird but have several Comscope DB224 antennas in service in amateur and public safety applications. They perform well and have held up well. As mentioned, the Comscope flavors use UHF connectors for the phasing harness and an N on the pigtail. I use a ton of vapor wrap and over wrap on all connectors and have never had any issues. The Comscope goes for around $650 from Tessco.


Feed Provider
Jul 22, 2006
NorCal - Napa Valley
Currently I am using a Commscope DB-222 folded dipole and it has been a good antenna. I have thought about getting a second one and stacking it with a phasing harness or switching it out with 4-bay.

The Laird can be found at these sites and I don't think it comes with a mast, which is fine by me. TESSCO which I have an account with has similar price as theantennafarm with cheaper shipping.

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