When I was in Jr High and High School I thought my dream job would be a rocking hot two way radio repair tech. I got a job a few months out of High School working for a major radio company starting as a QC tech then a repair tech and did well, learned a lot and had a great time. Then after a year had to move to another state where I worked as a salesman, installer and radio repair tech at a two way radio store then finally became the install/repair shop manager. After about 6yrs I moved back to So Cal where I went back to work for my first employer, the two way radio company and made it to the lead, actually the only land mobile repair tech for the entire company.
The further up the ladder I got in the radio business the more I hated it. Management constantly wanted more and more and the pay was never that great. With radio also being my hobby the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was play with a radio.
Fast forward with a 10yr career in aerospace working up to a research and development engineer I finally moved into satellite broadcast in 1996. All the stuff I had learned over the years like circuit troubleshooting, RF, antennas, electro-mechanical, etc, made it an easy jump to satellite broadcast. The pay for a satellite broadcast engineer is not bad and I didn't realize how good until after 18yrs I retired from my main employer and found people wanting to pay me $1k per day all expenses paid to travel and work on satellite uplink/downlink equipment, huge satellite dishes and there is a lot of work out there at that rate. The people I worked for charged their customer $2,500/day for my services and the customer doesn't even question it, there is a lot of $$ to throw around in the broadcast industry. I stopped all formal work when COVID hit 2yrs ago and have not done any since but I might dabble a bit in the future just to keep current in the technology.
I would suggest you set your sights a little higher and maybe work towards something in the broadcast industry. The pay scale is higher than the two way radio world and I found there are a lot of people in satellite broadcast that talk a good story but don't really perform well. If you show up every day and simply don't screw anything up you will be way ahead of many people in that industry and will climb the ladder fast.