if You Transmit On The Marine Band In The Forest, But No One Hears It, Is It Still Illegal? :wink:
if You Transmit On The Marine Band In The Forest, But No One Hears It, Is It Still Illegal? :wink:
IDIOTS! Isn't this just like shooting skip on CB channel 9? It sounds like another group of morons who don't understand that an EMERGENCY channel is not for shooting the breeze...The Coyote hunters around here use marine radios all the time. Seems to be a group of several local farmers. I have even heard the USCG Chicago run them off of channel 16 during band openings. There is also a large church that uses them for something or other on some Sundays.
Oh wow, I cant wait to hear what RR's "radio police" will have to say about this one...
Oh wow, I cant wait to hear what RR's "radio police" will have to say about this one...