I know it has nothting to do with the discussion, but I know I'm coming off a bit Japan-o-centric ^_^.But truthfully, I am really happy that there are several Chinese companies making low-cost and very usefull SW radios avaliable to the masses. With old Sony 2010 and Panasonic 5900 selling on the used market for more than what they sold for new, there would be a steep price of entry to the SWL market for something that on the surface is tough to listen to, and only Dr. Gene Scott and the like come in with any predictability. The redsun,kaito, degen, eaton guys are really helpfull in getting interest and radios out there, which can only help in keeping broadcasters sending signals to North America. I just do not think that the chinese have the attention to quality and sense of innovation that the japanese have. I do not think that this has anything to do with any type of national or cultural trait, but rather because in the day and age that china has ascended, it did so in a mass-consumer society. When Japan ascended as a technological innovator, there was no such thing as "disposable" electronics. Everything was repairable. Dont get me wrong, there were tons of garbage transistor radios coming out from japan, but they put the quality in the top and middle-market, and it worked its way down. Chinese industrial philosophy is more to reverse engineer, componetize, and mass produce with their QC coming out of sheer production numbers rather than innovation and adaptation. Wow, where did this come from?
