There's a PDF file floating around the net somewhere - I've long since lost the link - which has much better explanations of how to program and set up that scanner. Don't bother with the mis-translated (at least the one I had was...) owner's sheets - they're worthless.
The keyboard is a big weakness on this radio. It tends to fail after a while, and I'm not entirely sure if it can be replaced. There is no PC interface, altho if you're really good at installing this in a tight spot, there is something floating around - Programmit comes to mind - that purports to enable one to do this. I've never tried it, so how well it works is questionable.
On the bright side, it's not a bad milair scanner, tho it's dynamic range isn't all that great (tends to overload when in a strong RF environment). Sure wish I had one of those now - for USD70 or so, it would be a nice cheap throw away if something - like the keyboard - went south soon after....with all the milair activity in the Maryland area, it would be a handy thing to have 73s Mike
[edit] Yep, here we go...the Programmit link is