Aor-8200 Mki Cable

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Dec 19, 2002
I've only been able to locate a couple threads on this particular subject. I'm hoping for a bit more clarity on the subject.

Before I purchase a computer cable for my AOR 8200, I need to find out a few facts.

Will this cable allow me to run AOR 8200 with various Trunk tracking programs such as UniTrunker?

Is this a plug and play ability or do I have to wire up some mods?
Basically, can I just plug my cable into the computer and 8200 and run the program?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
If the connection includes a discriminator tap, then the answer is ....maybe. You might be able to use that for UniTrunker, Trunker and programs like that. It depends on just how clean the signal is. If not then yes, you will need to tap the discriminator and feed it that way. There are no trunk tracking programs like ARC250 for the 8200, so UniTrunker would be the way to go.
I'd suggest jumping onto Yahoo and getting on the 8200 mailing list. It's very likely someone there has the knowledge of exactly what data is available off that computer port. And note that it is NOT a standard RS232 type connection; if memory serves me, there's some level changes involved, so you can't use a standard serial cable. The cable is fairly expensive, as I understand it.

73s Mike


Jan 24, 2004
The interface design is a straight-forward level change type using a MAX233 or similar. There used to be lots of suitable designs knocking about on the web. The AOR supplied version doesn't utilise the "disciminator" output that IS available from the radios connection socket. Their interface cable is easily modified to access the "discriminator" output if you need it.
As Mike says, join the yahoo group as there will be people on there who can advise and the file archive might have my specific AR8200 interface designs stored (I'm no longer subscribed so can't check)
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