Apple's battery supplier says it made a big breakthrough


A Ham Radio Operator With too much frequency.
Oct 21, 2018
San Luis Obispo, CA
Apple's battery supplier says it made a big breakthrough
Rocio Fabbro

An Apple battery supplier announced a major breakthrough that could mean a longer battery life for AirPods and Apple Watches.
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TDK, the largest maker of smartphone batteries in the world, said Monday that it has successfully developed a material that could be used in a new battery with "significantly higher energy density" than its existing cells. Energy density refers to how much energy a battery can store relative to its size or weight. The material will be used in TDK's CeraCharge solid-state battery, which it says has an energy density of 1,000 watt-hours per liter - approximately 100 times more than its conventional solid-state battery.

These batteries use an oxide-based solid electrolyte, in contrast with the liquid electrolyte used in lithium-ion batteries that are widely found in electronic devices, making them "extremely safe." Solid-state batteries are smaller, charge faster, last longer, and have a lower risk of damage from temperature changes.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 26, 2019
I'm going to play killjoy and point out that yes, TDK happens to be an Apple supplier but this has nothing to do with Apple. Second, the 100X improvement is over TDK's *other* solid-state battery, not the battery technology currently used in portable devices today.

That said, any improvement in battery technology is good news.