I guess you missed my point as a whole. Instead of just saying "When some of us see whored out flashcodes and uselessly incompatible featuresets forced into a radio, combined with impossible dates, we know what it means" Why didn't you just say here is what tells us there is a issue and lay it out instead of saying "we know what it means"?
I didn't even come here to ask about my flashcode or if it had been tinkered with by the "depot" software.
I just wanted to talk about troubleshooting the GPS and the possible issues with it.
Good lord, I come here to ask about troubleshooting a GPS issue and yall want to tell me my radio is "whored out".
As far as the XTL, yea I had one with a bad VOCON and had someone walk me through how to mate it to the radio with the depot after I swapped it out.
Did I hit a brand new out of the box radio with depot, hell no.
Here is where I got it from. I know several others who got a radio and were very happy.
When you read the radio it says it was created with CPS and has the I-Button information on it. I've seen a few that have been tinkered with and they all had the classic "born at the depot on XX/XX/XXXX.
Model Number : H98QDH9PW7AN Firmware : 24.00.00. APX6000 MOTOROLA APX series handheld platform, this is version 3.5, and the model code is H98QDH9PW7AN. This radio has been authorized by FLASHPORT and is available for all options and all frequency ranges.
If you are smelling something, you might wanna use soap when you shower.
This whole thread reminds me why I stopped asking technical questions on forums like this and QRZ. You end up with the whole excrement storm you have here.