Caveat 1 - These are from the November 2003 issue of Monitoring Times, so they may not even be current, valid or currently utilized.
Caveat 2 - This list is not exhaustive, as situations, equipment, etc. can change at any time.
Nationwide VHF low band common: 38.400 (normal FM)
WI National Guard VHF low band: 40.800, 40.900, 41.600, 46.700 (should be normal FM)
WI National Guard VHF high band: 141.1000
WI National Guard Air band: 123.050, 123.400, 241.000, 299.900
On HF, the following are listed: 4607.0, 5087.0, 8056.0, 8093.0, 13722.0, 14653.0, 20906.0
Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) notes:
Callsign: AB1WI
NGB #: NGB62
Location: Madison, WI
As others have stated, don't forget WISCOM talkgroups, Wisconsin Interop Channels, Nationwide Interop Channels, and others.
Don't count out the WISCOM "Site-On-Wheels" that's available for deployment should the need arise.
The article lists the following recommended search ranges:
30.0000-30.5500 Mhz
32.0000-33.0000 Mhz
34.0000-34.9900 Mhz
36.0000-36.9900 Mhz
38.0000-38.9900 Mhz
40.0000-41.9900 Mhz
46.5800-47.0000 Mhz
49.6100-49.9900 Mhz
138.0000-144.0000 Mhz
148.0000-150.8000 Mhz