I have the following: HKN6155A What is this used for and how does it work?
Also, what are the item number's for the programming cable's for both high and low power for the Astro Spectra/W-3 radio's?
I'll see if I can help......
HKN6155A has been replaced by part number HKN6155B (PROGRAMMING/FLASH CABLE,AS PLUS)
0180300B10 - High Power program test cable
3080369B73 - Programming Cable
RKN4047A - RKN4047A
RLN4008E - Radio Interface Box (RIB)
3080369B71 - 25 Pin PC Cable connects the RIB to computer port
Connects the Radio Interaface Box (RIB) to 25 pin computer port.
0180358A56 - Wall mounted power supply, 220 volts
Provides a 220V AC power source for the RIB
Motorola Customer Care (Phone) - 800-814-0601
I'm not sure if this helps out but these are the part numbers listed under the Astro Spectra on Motorolas site (businessonline.motorola.com) I'm not sure if the customer care people will talk to you or not if you don't have a Motorola account. If you don't have an account with them it's not hard to get one set up. Just go to that site & it's pretty much self explanatory from there.
Let me know if I can help you out with anything else !!!