BCD436HP/BCD536HP: At a loss - Scanner simply not picking up anything

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Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
First thing, check the squelch. Set to 2. Do the following before writing to scanner: Go to the Edit tab, Edit Profile, and the Service Types tab. Enable all of the service types. Go to the Scan Selection tab and make sure that both Download and Monitor are On for any favorites lists you want in the scanner. If you attach your favorites list, I will check it for problems. Go to the File tab and Export to hpe file (Favorites List). You will need to right click on the exported file and Send to Compressed (zipped) folder to be able to attach it. Click on Attach files and Open the zipped folder.


Dec 9, 2021
Thank you tvengr. I did all of the above (minus the favorites b/c I want to keep this rather simple) and enabled all service types. It's quite the mystery that the scanner leaves the shop-bench after the fix and upon arrival at my home, is still deaf. I can't figure it out. Today I am driving quite a ways out of my county and will run scan as I travel to see if it is something local to my home that is causing this issue (despite that I have used the scanner plenty at my home in the past with no issues)
I spoke with Uniden customer support and they were very helpful in explaining my options. But at this point I'm basically left with having to send the unit back in for 'repair'
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