There is a tv show on A&E called JACKED which is a ride along with these guys. Pretty interesting stuff. They use their radios all the time. Looks like UHF with mdc1200?
There is a tv show on A&E called JACKED which is a ride along with these guys. Pretty interesting stuff. They use their radios all the time. Looks like UHF with mdc1200?
As far as the in truck radio it looks more or less like a Motorola CDM 1250 or a CDM 1550, must likley a 1250. Thoese are some nice looking / sounding radios. I have seen them in used in the 400 MHZ range but not used. I kinda wish i could find a purpose to own one.
Anyway i just wanting to know if anyone streams ATTF's channel, granted its musty plate running but it would be kinda cool to hear something that may end up on A&E. Kinda hard to hear it from Daytona Beach, fl lol.
i have heard 2 chases on the channel since i started monitoring it.. i was shocked i could hear it from as far away as i am.. i stream it on a personal feed and may put it on my open proscan feed.. havent decided yet..
There is a tv show on A&E called JACKED which is a ride along with these guys. Pretty interesting stuff. They use their radios all the time. Looks like UHF with mdc1200?
It's no wonder they can be heard over such a wide area with the primary tower sitting on the edge of Eagle Rock overlooking Manhattan and everything to the south. The view from the site is SPECTACULAR!
I am picking up the comms on Prosecutor 1 loud and clear from Long Branch. Factors to consider, I am on top of a hill, my antenna is a radioshack discone mounted in the attic with a clear shot of horizon.