As ka3jjz stated, you may have problems with simulcast distortion. It all depends upon your location. The only radios that will receive the Baltimore Co system at my home are the Uniden SDS100/SDS200 scanners and Unication G4/G5 pagers. My BCD996XT is awful on the system. The Baltimore Co MD trunked system is on system quick key 1. All of the groups also have quick keys. You can turn off group quick key 0 to eliminate county police. For basic fire operations, you just need group quick keys 1 thru 4 enabled. If you want EMRC medical consultations, turn on group quick key 7. I am going to include 2 files. The first is the FreeSCAN programming file. The second is a PDF file that will answer all of your questions about using quick keys. You do not need to extract the PDF file. Save the attached files to your computer. Extract the Baltimore Co MD file. Open the extracted file with FreeSCAN and Upload Programming. Group quick keys as follows:
1. Zone A Main
2. Zone BC Cent Div
3. Zone DE West Div
4. Zone FG East Div
5. Zone HI Overflow
6. Zone JK North
7. Zone L Medical
8. Zone M Sta/Sta
9. NVZ Trn/Evnt/OEM
0. County Police