everything was working great on my radio until i just went to add a Skywarn frequncy, I sent the info to the radio and when i unplugged it my display reads
the radio wont turn off now and wont do anything, This is the only time its ever happened.
Whats wrong with it ??????
The UV-3R Yahoo Group has a great FAQ that covers many problems - including the DDD.D25 error:
UV-3R : BAOFENG UV-3R Yahoo Group
"Help! Display shows DDD.D25!
This happens when a UV-3R Mark II is programmed with an old version of the programming
software. Download the newest software version and try re-programming your UV-3R: it should
return to normal operation.
A solution from John WB1GCQ follows, posted on the UV-3R mailing list and reproduced here
with his authorization.
Here is what I did using the information provided by the Group.
1) If you have preciously installed the software for the UV-3R; delete it from the computer before
you start this procedure for the Mark II.
2) Download from the Files Section the Mark II software. Use v.1.09 - earlier versions may not
work. I also found this software on the 409shop site. Not sure if both are the same version.
3) Download the driver you require from the 409shop site. I downloaded the usb driver for
Windows XP. I did this even though I had the original driver installed. The install will inform you
if you have current driver or newer version available for install. In my case I installed the newer
4) Plug usb cable into computer. Go to Device Manager.Click on Ports and determine Comm
port assigned to Prolific usb to serial comm. Mine was Comm 6.
5) Run the UV-3R Mark II software from the shortcut on the Desktop. Click on Settings and
select an available Comm port. In my case I selected Comm 6 and clicked Ok to close.
6) On the grid at top it indicates Freq Range. The range 136-174/400-470 is presently selected.
Click on down arrow to right and another range 144-146/430-440 is shown. Click on this range
so it is now selected.
7) At this point my grid filled in the Channel 1 with a rx Freq of 146.0000.
8) My display on the UV-3R had DDDD25 on upper and DDDD25 on lower line at this point. Its
been that way for a week looking for a solution!
9) I clicked on Program on top line of grid and selected "Write to Radio". Got a dialogue box.
Clicked on Ok and program began writing to radio. Upon completion the DDDD25 disappeared
from the first and second lines of the display. My display now shows 146.0000 on first line and
440.0000 on second line.
10) I clicked on Program on top line of grid and selected "Read from Radio". Got dialogue box.
Clicked on Ok and program began reading from radio.
11) Success! things are going back to normal! Clicked on Files on top of grid and save As. The
Mark II sortware format is *.3R. Original software was *.dat. The original Baofeng Memory Files
are still on the computer so I saved this file as UV-3RMarkIIinitialread.3R.
12) Back to the grid and the Freq Range. Click on down arrow and select 136-174/400-470.
When I did this Channel 1 was filled in with a frequency of 136.0000.
13) Clicked on Program on top of grid and selected "Write to Radio". Got dialogue box. Clicked
on Ok. and program began to write to radio.
14) Upon completion my display showed 136.0000 on first line and 400.0000 on second line.
15) Clicked on Program on top line of grid and selected "Read from Radio". Got dialogue box.
Clicked on Ok and program began reading from radio.
16) Clicked on Files on top of grid and save As. The Mark II software format is *.3R. Original
software was *.dat. The original Baofeng Memory Files are still on the computer so I saved this
file as UV-3RMarkIIrevisedread.3R."
I hope the above copy & paste from the FAQ helps. If you found this useful, you might consider joining the Yahoo Group - those guys put in a lot of effort to the group and the FAQ.
Brick O'Lore - Baofeng UV-3R and UV-5R Info