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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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BaoFeng UV-5R plus Dual Band 136-174/400-480Mhz Ham Two-Way Radio

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Nov 5, 2009
Jackson County, MO
What specifically seems to be the problem?

When you first connect using the radio and the USB programming cable, go to "download from radio," select the USB cable from the first drop down, and the the radio make and model from the next fields. Go, accept disclaimer, an it should download. Then you can make changes and upload.

I am using the daily build from last week, it's working. Let me know if there's a specific issue, maybe I can help.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 2, 2003
I just ordered the UV-5R Plus yesterday from Amazon for $47, free shipping with Prime. Will be here in a few hours.

Will report back with a review.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
The newest UV-5R version with the latest firmware is the Baofeng F-11 and they were selling for $45 at Dayton last weekend. I bought two with the 3800mah batts and so far no complaints. The dealer I bought from is Import Communications, which seems to be on top of the latest versions of Baofeng and Wouxun radios.

I just ordered the UV-5R Plus yesterday from Amazon for $47, free shipping with Prime. Will be here in a few hours.

Will report back with a review.


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2013
These radios are not new. There are a half dozen versions of them out, the first version has been out for a while.

I also own the UV-5R, as well as an FT-60 (what many including myself consider the benchmark of ham HT's, so let me offer a comparison. First off, I get that the Baofeng costs one third the money, and that is important to remember. As far as overall performance with stock parts, no comparison. The Baofeng antenna is pretty odd when you look at the VSWR readings that people in the UV-5R yahoo group have gotten. On 440, it's actually not too bad for reflection, but that does NOT mean it gets out like the FT-60R, because it doesn't do as well. On 2 meter, the VSWR is absurd, 6.0 or more I believe, meaning that there is no way it can get out properly. The best alternative antenna I have found is the 7.5" antenna sold on Ebay and Amazon that is really a Wouxun TG-UV antenna (another radio I own). It works OK, but fits crooked which is really annoying to an OCD person like myself. Even with this, it will NOT RX or TX like the FT-60R, on either band. I've done enough side by side comparisons and have enough to say this at this point. Sensitivity is good, but selectivity is poor, so you hear a lot of intermod in a big city like Phoenix where I live. Scan speed is SNAIL SLOW compared to the FT-60R. Programming by this thing by hand is annoying, and ridiculous. The manual is a cruel joke, comprised of broken (horrid) English. A cable is a MUST. With the cable, it's not too bad, but the software STINKS, and doesn't allow things like shifting lines, or inserting lines, so changing a program can be a real pain the rear. Lithium batteries are NOT a good choice of a SHTF / storage radio, as fully charged Lithium Ion batteries destroy themselves over time when stored at anything more than refrigerator temperatures. The AAA and AA battery packs are a JOKE, which with full cells yield excessive voltage that prevents TX often times. Some put in a "dummy cell" to prevent this.

With all of this said, you can get them for $40 shipped, so for the money they are STILL a great value. I use mine as a "beater radio" that I can allow to roll around in my truck, which I use for close-in 70cm repeater work. If you have a really tight budget and only have $50, you can't do better.

If you can spend a bit more, get the Wouxun TG-UV, as it is a much better radio.

If you can come up with $150, get the FT-60R. It has a full five watts on both bands, even with the AA battery pack. Can speed is really fast for an HT, and you can scan most everything analog including milair, which it does well at. It comes with a standard SMA female on the radio meaning you have a huge selection of aftermarket antennas available without adapters. I ordered mine with extended TX from Hong Kong for $220 (yes you can mod a $150 radio, also voiding your warranty as you clip that diode, if you choose). With the AA battery functionality and the capability to TX out of band (only for true life or death emergencies where no other means of communication is available!), this is the ultimate SHTF radio, and a truly top notch ham HT for everyday use. It uses good old NIMH batteries that aren't destroyed when you leave them charged, and provide very adequate capacity for everyday use. Oh, and you get a well written ENGLISH manual.

My suggestion to those shopping for an HT and looking at the Baofeng. For the money, it's a great deal, but be aware of the pros and cons.


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2013
HT's aren't of much use in buildings or in vehicles. You're gonna need a mobile or base radio with a decent outdoor antenna if you want to use your radio in the car or home with any degree of reliability.

My FT-60R can hit a half-dozen local UHF repeaters from within my truck with full quieting, some of them ten miles away. A good HT can do UHF repeaters from inside of a car all day long without issue. My UV-5R doesn't do nearly as well, but you get what you pay for. Now VHF, that's another matter entirely. The wave is too big for good in-car TX. I can sit within view (less than one mile) of a mountain-top 2 meter repeater and I still get mediocre reports if I'm inside of my cab.

Same inside of my slump-block home, no issues. Inside of a big steel frame building at work, I can still hit nearby repeaters with full quieting. I often shake my head at the percentage of people who never even bother to check out 70cm, and stay purely on 2 meter, when living in a big city like the one I live in. Makes no sense at all. UHF is a beautiful thing for those who find themselves surrounded by metal objects on a regular basis.


Apr 5, 2013
^-- http://forums.radioreference.com/am...how-program-repeaters-into-baofeng-uv-5r.html

Ignore steps 5, 6 and 7. And do NOT, under any circumstance, key up on a police or fire channel or any other frequency you aren't authorised to transmit on! (GMRS and especially MURS should be okay to use, if you stay within the limits. Tip: Set the power level [menu 2/"TXP"] to LOW and the deviation [menu 5/"WN"] to NARROW if working MURS.)
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