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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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baofeng uv-5ra l.a. county fire paging tones

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Mar 19, 2015
Fontana, California
I like listening to blue 8 but wanted to know if its possible to program the paging tones for my local station so i wont have to here everything going county wide. Im sure ill hear something about CHIRP but i dont use it and dont plan on it, i do the dtmf keypad programming and havent had a problem yet but i welcome all replies, thank you


Dec 19, 2002
From the book, individual calling.sometimes known as paging is a one to one form of communication.,The uv5 does NOT feature any form of individual calling., Units such as Wouxan uv8d or the Anytone Temn8r do have paging capabilities. 3 to 4 times more expensive. Possible you could program with the sub tone for the fire district. It wouldn't be a station level but could reduce calls some. Also your safe, Chirp will not help here


Dec 19, 2002
470.56250 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 1 CMD LA Basin - Bn 7, 8, 9, 14, 18, 21 (South County & Catalina) FM Fire Dispatch
470.43750 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 2 Alt CMD/Tac - LA Basin FM Fire-Tac
470.61250 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 3 CMD LA Basin - Bn 1, 3, 5, 13, 20 (West County) FM Fire Dispatch
470.51250 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 4 Countywide Admin / Alt CMD FM Fire-Tac
470.66250 WII225 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 5 Alt CMD/Tac - San Gabriel Valley FM Fire-Tac
470.41250 WII225 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 6 CMD San Gabriel Valley - Bn 2, 4, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19 (East County) FM Fire Dispatch
470.46250 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 7 Alt CMD/Tac - San Gabriel Valley FM Fire-Tac
470.53750 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 8 Countywide Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
470.63750 KNP331 RM 151.4 PL LAC BLUE 9 Alt CMD/Tac - Antelope Valley ONLY FM Fire-Tac
470.36250 KNP331 RM 151.4 PL LAC BLUE 10 Alt CMD/Tac - Antelope Valley ONLY FM Fire-Tac
470.58750 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 11 Alt CMD - Santa Clarita & Antelope Valleys FM Fire-Tac
470.48750 KNP331 RM CSQ LAC BLUE 12 CMD North - Bn 6, 11, 17, 22 (North County) FM Fire Dispatch
453.67500 KBZ726 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-13 CMD - La Habra (Puente Hills Repeater) FMN Fire-Tac
453.72500 KRM765 M 151.4 PL LAC U-14D Crew / Dozer Net FMN Fire-Tac
453.77500 KMG240 M 151.4 PL LAC U-15D Alt Crew / Dozer Net FMN Fire-Tac
453.82500 KBZ725 M 151.4 PL LAC U-16D CMD/Tac FMN Fire-Tac
453.97500 KM6542 M 151.4 PL LAC U-17D CMD/Tac FMN Fire-Tac
453.90000 KBN492 M 151.4 PL LAC U-18D Tac (North County) FMN Fire-Tac
478.55000 WQJX513 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-19 Command / Tactical (Verdugo Peak repeater) FMN Fire-Tac
478.65000 WQJX521 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-20 Command / Tactical / Portable Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
478.75000 WQJX521 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-21 Command / Tactical / Portable Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
478.85000 WQJX521 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-22 Command / Tactical / Portable Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
478.95000 WQJX521 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-23 Command / Tactical / Portable Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
478.98750 WQJX521 RM 151.4 PL LAC U-24 Command / Tactical / Portable Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
487.23750 WIJ645 M 156.7 PL FDUMA FD UHF Mutual Air FMN Interop
129.35000 M CSQ Air Ops Pri Air Ops - Primary AM Deprecated
123.97500 BM CSQ Fox Field Air Ops - Fox Field ATB AM Aircraft
122.92500 M CSQ Air Ops Fixe Air Ops - Fixed Wing Coordination AM Aircraft
128.55000 M CSQ Air SFRA Air-Air SFRA AM Aircraft
131.42500 M CSQ Air to Air Air-Air AM Aircraft
482.66250 WIJ547 B CSQ LAC MDTs MDT Data FM Data
482.68750 WIJ547 B CSQ LAC MDTs MDT Data FM Data
482.71250 WIJ547 B CSQ LAC MDTs MDT Data FM Data
482.73750 WIJ547 B CSQ LAC MDTs MDT Data FM Data
482.76250 WIJ547 B CSQ LAC MDTs MDT Data FM Data

It appears that Blue 6 is csq, so there is no tone used. Now there are different type of tones. There are the 2 tones you hear when a station is paged out, then there is a sub audible tone. Sometimes this is a tone squelch, sometimes it is necessary to get into a repeater. You are looking for a ht that does 2 tone sequential like a pager. While the uv5 does alot, that is one feature that was not designed in.
Firepager tones, motorola, and portable ht programming? a short discussion of two tone. I said the wouxan uv8d did two tone, I stand corrected, is does not. The Anytone Temn8r does, but their FCC certification is in a pigeon hole right now. They had it, then it got pulled back and I have heard nothing to say they are back again. It was about the least expensive radio that could do two tone sequential.


Dec 19, 2002
oh and what two tone radios I have found, all require you to program with a computer, they can not from the keypad. Just two many options to set, a computer is easier, you visually see everything.
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