Wow.....Yes we knew it was coming. They still don't know when it's coming. And they seem afraid to mention that the system is called MotoTRBO. Baxter Bulletin has a tendancy to only report a fraction of the full spectrum of the story. AND the Sheriff and newspaper make it sound like they are being REQUIRED to go to the MotoTRBO radios/system. Stating the FCC requirements of digital narrowbanding. Both have failed to mention that digital narrowbanding can still be accomplished in an analog mode and without the MotoTRBO system. But hey Baxter, enjoy it while you can. Our scanner makers always get the technology legally in the long run. They are pathetic......
In the article, you will find where it says: "The next FCC deadline is in 2018, when it expects all public safety agencies to move to another level of narrow band. While not a requirement, the FCC is encouraging agencies to move to digital formats."
As I stated earlier, use the DSD program on RadioReference. I was told you can get an old Motorola 16-pin analog radio and use pins 11 and 7 for discriminator output. Then just tune in...