yes, i'm thinking of getting a bc246t as a replacement for a radioshack pro-97 that gave me problems since the day i opened it. how good a scanner is it and is it as reliable..
The BC246T is probably the next best thing to a digital scanner but without the digital. Next up the line would more than likely be the BC330T.
BC246T that I have is the best radio I've owned over the years. And I've owned everything from a 10 ch. portable to a 200 ch. base/mobile. Mostly all lower end model radios.
As far as price is concerned, it's very reasonable. Lot's of excellent features to the radio.
I've had my BC246T for a year and two months (has it really been that long?) with no problems ever (except those that I created). The BC246T is not as sensitive as the BR330T, and does not have an illuminated keyboard like the BR330T, but is still a very good unit. I've had my BR330T since this March and recommend that you also look into this unit for the small difference in price between the BC246T and the BR330T.
I agree with Mark.I have quite a few 246's,and just recently added a 330.The 330 is a much nicer radio all around.Better sensistivity and rejection,better audio,and more memory.
The 246 is still a good unit for the price,but if you can afford a little more,then get a 330.
Like others, I gree that the 246T is a less "receptive," but it's a great Trunking and Conventional Scanner. I like the CTCSS/DCS Tones that allow me to split out highly used conventional frequencies. Also the BC246T is going to work after FCC Rebanding.
I would say go with the BR330T. Personally in my area (Springfield, MO) the 246 I had was less receptive than my Pro-97. The BR330T knocks them both out of the water.