I sent a Pro-2042 to them once and it took about 3 months to get it back and cost more than it was worth.
Not familiar with this company but, consumers need to recognize that the cost of repairing anything has nothing to do with the current value of the product. When you have something repaired; you are essentially paying for parts and TIME. In the case of older electronics, the cost of parts (if they can even be located) and bench time ($50 per hour) to troubleshoot and make the repairs may very well cost more than the unit is worth.
In the case of the Uniden BC-9000 XLT, you have a radio with a value of $75-$125 depending on its' condition. Bottom line is that if you really like this model, you can probably find a replacement on eBay cheaper than it would cost you to ship it out for repair.
In the alternative, you could check out to see if it runs on fused 12vdc power (as in hooked up in a vehicle). If I recall correctly, this unit has an external wall adaptor for home use. If it powers up when hooked up in your car, then in all likelihood, you have a blown AC wall adaptor power supply which can be replaced for about $25. You can confirm this by testing the output voltage of the AC/DC power supply with a voltage meter; looking for a no load output voltage of approx. 13-15 volts DC. If you see this voltage range when testing the wall adaptor, then you have internally blown component(s).
If it won't power up in the vehicle either and your AC/DC power supply tests OK, likely suspect is the internal voltage regulator(s) or power supply protection diode.
If you need further help with this unit, you can PM me thru the forum.