BCD325P2 Control Channel Only Question

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Premium Subscriber
May 27, 2017
Calgary, AB
I am new in scanning. I am trying to program my new BCD325P2. I programmed my system via ProScan (tried FreeScan as well). Since FleetNet is the largest system in the world I program my location only for now (The Pas Site Details (MTS FleetNet)). The location has 1 control and one alternative channel, I deleted the rest of the channels. Set it to the Motorolla system (it is P25 SmartZone). I set the scanner into ID Search mode. In my understanding (pls correct me if I am wrong here) the scanner should understand that both frequencies are trunk control channels and start listening control channels only. In my understanding from reading this forum, when someone tries to initiate a transmission, channel freq. is being allocated and communicated via the control channel. The scanner should read the freq. and listen to it. Since it is one control freq. only, I should hear ALL talks in all talk groups.
Here is what happening: : the signal strength indicator flashes, on line 3 I have alternative trunk control freq (855.1125) most of the time, with main control freq (854.8625) appearing for a quick moment. I hear some communications (some times just ending of what seems to be a lengthy exchange), and it appears to be ambulance only. I cannot get highway, police, fire, however, judging from the RR db they all should be on the same network.
Should I add talk groups IDs and how can I see if the scanner works in control channel mode only?


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Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
According to the database, the system is not a P25 system but is an analog system with some P25 voice. Use those frequencies but enter them as a Motorola Type II system.
Also, when you look at the database and see DE, that means encrypted and cannot be heard.
There are a lot of threads already on programming the system and you may be able to get better info in them.



Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I am new in scanning. I am trying to program my new BCD325P2. I programmed my system via ProScan (tried FreeScan as well). Since FleetNet is the largest system in the world I program my location only for now (The Pas Site Details (MTS FleetNet)). The location has 1 control and one alternative channel, I deleted the rest of the channels. Set it to the Motorolla system (it is P25 SmartZone). I set the scanner into ID Search mode. In my understanding (pls correct me if I am wrong here) the scanner should understand that both frequencies are trunk control channels and start listening control channels only. In my understanding from reading this forum, when someone tries to initiate a transmission, channel freq. is being allocated and communicated via the control channel. The scanner should read the freq. and listen to it. Since it is one control freq. only, I should hear ALL talks in all talk groups.
Here is what happening: : the signal strength indicator flashes, on line 3 I have alternative trunk control freq (855.1125) most of the time, with main control freq (854.8625) appearing for a quick moment. I hear some communications (some times just ending of what seems to be a lengthy exchange), and it appears to be ambulance only. I cannot get highway, police, fire, however, judging from the RR db they all should be on the same network.
Should I add talk groups IDs and how can I see if the scanner works in control channel mode only?
The system is Motorola Type II SmartZone, not P25, even though it does have some P25 talkgroups. (The system type of your programming file is correct, so if you imported into ProScan, it imported correctly.)

The 325P2 will work control channels only for Motorola & P25 systems. You do not need all the other frequencies. However, if at some point, they changed to using a different frequency (other than the listed Primary & Alternate control channels), then you would no longer hear the system. While this does not apply here, you do need all the frequencies for some other system types, such as EDACS. Also, for Harris P25 systems, you need all of the frequencies as they can use any of the frequencies as control.

You would need to add talkgroups to select what you do want to hear. Right now, your file indicates that you have ID Search enabled, so you would hear any active TGID.

As cg noted, there are a large number of encrypted talkgroups, denoted by DE in the mode column. The D means the TGID is using digital transmission. The capital E means full-time encryption is being used. Had the e been lower case, that would have indicated part time encryption used. The talkgroups marked with an A are analog, and you would be able to monitor any of those that are not encrypted, and that are carried on the site you programmed. You cannot monitor encrypted talkgroups, regardless of whether they are digital or analog.


Premium Subscriber
May 27, 2017
Calgary, AB
Thank you for the reply. I found my old rs 164 pro works even better on analog Motorola trunking.
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