BCDx36HP in Los Angeles basin

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Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
I made the changes from the radio key pad of the radio. Making the changes from the software or on the key pad is the same. But these settings did make me have hope at this point to hear good P25 audio again on a 600 dollar radio

Thats what I assumed. I guess its too much for Uniden to commit to an answer to the simple question since I've asked a couple times without reply. Doing the change has made the unit about 90% right (from about 70%). Hopefully a firmware revision will bring this thing up closer to 100%.


Nov 3, 2011
Palm Springs Area / OrCo
Thats what I assumed. I guess its too much for Uniden to commit to an answer to the simple question since I've asked a couple times without reply. Doing the change has made the unit about 90% right (from about 70%). Hopefully a firmware revision will bring this thing up closer to 100%.

Look at it this way, if Uniden does not fix it in the next firmware upgrade, there will be a lot of people returning scanners. Especially if they do not read the RR forums. I think UpMan is reading all the comments and putting an action plan together so they can make a BIG firmware update. Doing little firmware updates all year long is a pain the bu!!. So give good detailed info. on issues is a major plus in the right direction Joey. Keep up the good work !


Premium Subscriber
Jan 12, 2003
Hanover Co. VA
Thats what I assumed. I guess its too much for Uniden to commit to an answer to the simple question since I've asked a couple times without reply. ...

In Paul's defense, the question was asked late in the week (or may not have even seen the question!), and he may not yet have the answer. Remember that answering questions in these forums is not his primary job...


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2008
Look at it this way, if Uniden does not fix it in the next firmware upgrade, there will be a lot of people returning scanners. Especially if they do not read the RR forums. I think UpMan is reading all the comments and putting an action plan together so they can make a BIG firmware update. Doing little firmware updates all year long is a pain the bu!!. So give good detailed info. on issues is a major plus in the right direction Joey. Keep up the good work !

I agree about people being upset about these radios. I do honestly believe that Uniden should of held off on these radio's being released for another six months until they did a complete quality control test on all of these new radios and also had all the features that were released to the public to be fully functional before these new radios in the box were shipped to us.

I do not think that people are going to be-able to return these radios unless you are under the 30 day return policy as long as you bought it from a good place or had EBAY protection policy. I did return one of the HP536HP radio because I did not want to have two lemons and this was before there were some tweaks of the radio to help the P25 decode.

I think it makes Uniden seem like a low end radio manufacturer at this point. There are hardware issues with these radios, also there was another firmware release once we got these radios. I know these radios were probably boxed up a year ago and sitting in a wherehouse somewhere.

I honestly think at this point Uniden dropped the ball big time since this radio was suppose to be the bomb out of the box. I think there are some happy people but more dis-appointed people that paid big bucks for a radio that still needs firmware upgrades, radios to be shipped back to have hardware issues resolved, and also the features of the radio are still not currently available. It just makes me sick to my stomach thinking there were so many holes in the product line right out of the box.

I hope Whistler comes out swinging some heavy guns. There is alot of room for growth for them at this point. Good Luck.


Nov 3, 2011
Palm Springs Area / OrCo
The only hope is that Uniden reads all the comments and roll out a new firmware. It would not be hard to pull data from all parties when clients connect via sentiel. The scanner can store errors and the errors can be sent in like most electronic devices. i hope they incorporated this feature. Also a help desk on their site would help too. All the smart people on RR could contribute alot. They could make the site like the submit tab or have the software report issues. My .02 cents...
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